如何 注射胰島素 How to Inject Insulin 移除蓋子 搖搖 10 次 針 移除 柱塞 針筒 或 搓動 20 次 1. 齊集胰島素、胰島素針筒 和酒精棉。 2. 用肥皂和水清洗雙手。 8 單位 3. 使用前先把渾濁的胰島 素輕 輕混和。輕輕前後搖動 瓶子 1 0 次或搓動瓶子 2 0 次。 4. 移除瓶蓋。用酒精棉清潔瓶頂。 5...
permanente注射insulinkaiserinject胰岛素 如何注射胰島素HowtoInjectInsulin 移除蓋 子 搖10次 針 移除 柱塞 針筒 或搓動20次 1.齊集胰島素、胰島素針筒 和酒精棉。 2.用肥皂和水清洗雙手。 8單位 3.使用前先把渾濁的胰島素 輕輕混和。輕輕前後搖動瓶 子10次或搓動瓶子20 次。 4.移除瓶蓋。用酒精棉清潔瓶 頂...
Put the needle through the rubber top of the vial and push the plunger to inject the air into the vial. Draw up the dose: Leave the syringe in the vial and turn both upside down. Hold the syringe and vial firmly in one hand. Make sure the tip of the needle is in the insulin. ...
Insert the needle into the rubber stopper of the cloudy insulin bottle. Push the plunger down to inject air into the bottle (this allows the insulin to be drawn more easily). Do not withdraw the insulin into the syringe at this time. Take the needle out of the bottle. Draw the required...
doi:10.1016/j.eprac.2021.04.538Artem Minalyanprimary author, Abington Jefferson HealthElsevier Inc.Endocrine Practice
Second,patientsshouldchoosetoinjectintheappropriate bodyarea.Thecommonlyusedinsulininjectionsitesinclude theupperarm,theabdomen,theouterthighs,andthehips.Each injectionsitecanbedividedintoanumberofinjectionzones, withaninjectionareaof2cm2.Eachinjectionsiteshouldbe rotatedinsteadofbeinginjectedseveraltimesinaninjection...
They may need to inject you with something called glucagon. It’s an insulin antidote. If you’re prone to low blood sugar, ask your doctor if you should haveglucagonon hand at home. If you're alert enough to follow instructions, they should give you sweet juice to drink. ...
You will hold a section of your fat between your fingers so that the area you are planning to inject is a little more firm. Stick the needle STRAIGHT in. Once the needle is in, you can relax your fingers on your skin, then push the plunger down to push the hCG into your system. ...
Slowly push on the plunger just enough to move out air and extra insulin. Check the syringe to make sure it has the correct amount of insulin. Remove the needle from the bottle. Do not let the end of the needle touch anything. Inject the insulin as directed. If you need to recap the...