範例:使用自訂列印設定列印到 PDF 資料流程的 PrintToPdfStream 方法 本範例會將目前網頁的 PDF 資料列印至資料流程。 .NET/C# WinRT/C# Win32/C++ C# asyncvoidPrintToPdfStream(){try{stringtitle = webView.CoreWebView2.DocumentTitle;// Passing null for PrintSettings causes the default print settings ...
Remember to install WebView2 with Elevated/Administrator rights. It has to be the Evergreen Bootstrapper version and not the Fixed Version For more guidance on how to distribute WebView2, please see Microsoft's documentation below.Reference: Distribute your app and the WebView2 Runtime ...
Learn more about How to install Microsoft Edge WebView2 Runtime. Find your answers at Namecheap Knowledge Base.
使用Microsoft Edge DevTools、Microsoft Visual Studio 或 Microsoft Visual Studio Code,對 WebView2 應用程式中的 Web 程式碼進行偵錯。 使用這些工具來偵錯 Web 程式碼和原生程式碼。WebView2 應用程式結合了最佳的 Web 和原生應用程式開發功能和工具。 當您開發 WebView2 應用程式時,您會藉由偵錯來測試應用...
下列範例會將[顯示頁面 Uri]命令新增至 WebView2 操作功能表。 C# C++ C# webView.CoreWebView2.ContextMenuRequested +=delegate(objectsender, CoreWebView2ContextMenuRequestedEventArgs args) {// add new item to end of collectionCoreWebView2ContextMenuItem newItem = webView.CoreWebView2.Environment.Cr...
public MyCustomTaskPane() { InitializeWebView2(); } private async void InitializeWebView2() { webView = new WebView2 { Dock = DockStyle.Fill }; Controls.Add(webView); string userDataFolder = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.ApplicationData), "MyAppWebView2Data"...
My Server OS is Windows Server 2012 R2. So I need to download 109 version to support it. https://developer.microsoft.com/zh-cn/microsoft-edge/webview2/ . This is only newer two version. So how to download WebView2 Runtime 109 offline version? I want to get a offline installer x86...
Hello, I have recently updated Windows, and I have noticed in the Task Manager that the Msedgewebview2.exe process is consuming way too much CPU power. I am not sure why it is using so much of my CPU. Any help
webView.CoreWebView2.Navigate(@"C:\{path\to\file}\geolocation.html"); 請確定geolocation.html檔案顯示在您的 WebView2 控制程式應用程式中: 步驟3:安裝 DevToolsProtocolHelper NuGet 套件 使用NuGet 下載Microsoft.Web.WebView2.DevToolsProtocolExtension。
Hello. When I try to run the Microsoft Edge Webview2 runtime installer I get the 'The Microsoft Edge Webview2 runtime installer failed to start' error on my Windows PC. How do I fix this? When attempting to install or update