7 mistakes to avoid sent straight to your inbox... FREE! GET BONE CRUSHING STRENGTH FREE! However, if you’re doing pull-ups once per week, this isn’t going to give you the gains you are after. I advise you to increase the frequency of your pull-ups (do them more than once per...
Next, we’re going to use the inverted row to further strengthen the pulling strength of your lats, core, and arms. But to also emphasize the mid-traps a little more. Which we know based on the activation research shown earlier is a highly involved muscle in the pull-up. Now, this ex...
While intensity is critical to gaining strength (particularly in the short term), your volume should also increase over time as you become stronger. Strength training has a significant dose-response effect at play — the stronger you get, the higher doses of training you’ll need to keep movi...
Build Pulling Strength Increase Shoulder Integrity Improve Posture Prime Movers: Latimus Dorsi (Back) Biceps Brachii (Arms) The pull-up is a natural movement we were all designed to do. Throughout our entire lives, no matter our age and state, we are meant to run,jumpand climb. The hardes...
Push against the plates with your feet to lift the bar and drive up until you extend your hips. Deficit sumo deadlifts are a variation that challenges the deepest ranges of motion in the movement. In doing so, you can increase pulling strength off the floor and target the glutes and hamst...
show you exactly how I was able to increase to this point and how you can do the same. No matter how many you can currently do, how hard it seems, or how weak you are right now, here are 4 proven methods to increase strength in the places you’ll need it to do more pull ups....
Improving yourupper bodypulling strength is a great way to work on the muscles in your back. You can’t ignore pulling routines if you want that good-looking V-shaped torso and strong posterior chain. Great upper body strength will help you perform exercises like rows,pullovers, andpull-ups...
Today we’re going to go over the 3 golden rules for one of the best exercises to strengthen your core, and that is the PLANK. As always, we’re going to not...
Don’t go throwing a 50-pound plate on your first try. Start with something manageable, like 5-10 pounds. Once you can easily do 3-5 reps at that weight, gradually increase it.e top. Increase Endurance You’ve got the strength? Now let’s talk stamina. It’s time to boost your en...
Build Pull-Up Strength If you want to get better at pull-ups, you need to be doing pull-ups. But if you’re not able to perform one yet — or if you can’t yet perform enough pull-ups to get a high amount of training volume in — you can use the lat pulldown to increase the...