A waxing moon (as the crescent moon increases toward a full moon) is the optimum time to cast a spell that increases love, encourages greater understanding between lovers, orreturns a lover to you. Use the waxing moon’s energy to increase romance, passion, affection, and happiness. Full Mo...
When we are in balance, all flows freely through our chakras. When there is blockage, energy cannot flow. Explore the signs of imbalanced chakras and how to get the engery flowing. Caroline Stewart Caroline is a transformation coach and meditation teacher. ...
If you're looking to increase your lottery success, don’t hesitate to contact Priest Ray for your very own lucky winning numbers. Your fortune could be just a message away! email: psychicspellshrine@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +27613732619 or visit his website: psychicspellshrine.wixsite.com/...
If you're looking to increase your lottery success, don’t hesitate to contact Priest Ray for your very own lucky winning numbers. Your fortune could be just a message away! email: psychicspellshrine@gmail.com or WhatsApp: +27613732619 or visit his website: psychicspellshrine.wixsite.com/...
Uncertainty is inevitable—while those $5 psychic readings may alleviate the fear of not knowing temporarily, you actually have the power to improve your relationship with uncertainty such that it begins to work for you. Part of the adventure of dating is allowing what is meant to be to work...
Absolutely! Does the risk of injury dramatically increase if you do? You bet! You can also find some short guided grounding meditations on YouTube. 3.Psychic Development. You have to learn to be attune to the psychic energy swirling around you at all times. You were born psychic and you ...
movement. However, when no force is inflicted on the weight, something begins to happen naturally; energy moves the weight with a little help from the unconscious mind. Pendulums feel magical, for even when held completely still, they begin to move in detection of the invisible energy around ...
Being more present is a good two-for-one deal in that it both helps decrease anxiety and increase pleasure. Here’s how to stop feeling anxious to be light and free. Six ways to make you less anxious 1. Check in with yourself often ...
Whether you’re experiencing a surge of feelings or a slight increase in sensitivity, it’s still a good time for everyone, no matter your sign, toconnectto your emotions. Amplified Imagination Don’t fret if you’re not used to digging deep into that well of feelings inside because the ...
If you are not sure about how to charge crystals, be aware that placing them in the sun does have an excellent action to stimulate an increase in their energy. If you havecolorless or clear crystalsthat you are charging they will be fine all day, but be careful not to put bright beauti...