-v /etc/nginx/proxy.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/my_proxy.conf:ro Personally found this way rather convenient as there's no need to build a custom container to change configs. I'm not affiliated with jwilder/nginx-proxy, was just using it in my project, and the way described above helped ...
If you are using a proxy server or VPN, it’s important to know that if they are not set up correctly, they can sometimes cause the “ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT” error. Proxy servers and VPNs are used to stay anonymous while browsing the internet, but they can also complicate things and...
Configure log rotation policy Don't duplicate index directive, use it only in the http block Debugging (4) Use custom log formats Use debug mode to track down unexpected behaviour Disable daemon, master process and all workers except one Use core dumps to figure out why NGINX keep crashing...
Cookie based OpenIdConnect authentication increase the session/cookie timeout Cookie item null when trying to retrieve Core 3.1 First query to db takes a long time Core MemoryCache Get method is null CORS not working in web api core project Could not find a part of the path In Check In VS...
Google’s team did this by creating a system where the speed is deliberately decreased by injecting a server side delay, which translates to extending the processing time before and during that results are returned to the browser. From the user perspective, it doesn’t matter much whether the ...
I am using nginx and uWsgi with django (using daphne) to serve a simple one page site. I have reached a point where if I put more html objects on the page it loads to a certain point and does not load the rest. For example if I add a table with 60 rows the site loads the ...
Many of them refer to external resources. There are a lot of things you can do to improve NGINX server and this guide will attempt to cover as many of them as possible. Throughout this handbook you will explore the many features and capabilities of the NGINX. You'll find out, for ...
it's very important to know that it's necessary to request a certificate with a 4096-bit RSA Key Size. The main difference between a 4096-bit key over a 2048-bit key is a significant increase in strength. There's an important increase as well in the CPU...
error_log /var/log/nginx/error.log crit; worker_rlimit_nofile 20480; events { worker_connections 5120; # increase for busier servers use epoll; # you should use epoll here for Linux kernels 2.6.x } http { open_file_cache max=2000 inactive=20s; ...
The nginx policy and accompanying documentation can be found here. Getting to the right SELinux configuration is a process of trial and error, so expect a time investment when going this route and weigh that against the relative increase in security it provides to determine whether it’s right...