Alleviate stiff hips and tight hamstrings with these easy flexibility exercises. In days, you will find yourself feeling more flexible and better able to move.
A guide to hip flexor exercises, including what your hip flexors are, best hip flexor exercises to strengthen hip flexors, and which movements use hip flexors
Want to learn more about the frog pose? This hip opener can get you feeling lean and limber in no time.
but it offers awesome flexibility benefits as well. If the muscles that cross your hip are getting tight and short from too much sitting or over-training, stretching with a ball can loosen things up and increase your hip
Why The Hip 90-90? It might be a stretch to say that you'll lose mobility in that region if you don’t move a specific area of your body in a certain way. However, stretching and moving your joints can increase flexibility and better body control. The 90-90 rotates your hips—a ...
If your children are actively involved in things like gymnastics, cheerleading and dance, then they'll be dealing with a lot of rigorous movement, so stretching is key to prevent injuries. This video will show kids how they can do some great warmup stretches to increase flexibility for trampol...
Great for Hip Mobility The ATG split squat is among the best movements you can do to increase your lower-body flexibility. Placing your knees and hips under load and taking them into the deepest ranges of motion is fantastic for building long-lasting mobility in those joints. ...
Open wide into Wide-Legged Standing Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana) to increase flexibility by leaps and bounds.
Squat down while pushing your knees out. This creates space for your belly to move through your legs. Most people can instantly break parallel by fixing their Squat stance. If it doesn’t work for you because your hips are tight, do the Toddler Squat described below to increase your ...
If you're trying to become more flexible to perform better during your workouts (or just touch your toes, TBH) , follow these expert-backed tips for improving flexibility and mobility.