However, it is important to know that some carriers may increase your rate if they detect poor driving habits. Student discounts: College students often pay high insurance rates, but good grades and heading to school without a car could reduce the cost of coverage. Payment discounts: Paying ...
Conventional ignition systems are comprised of either a large inductor (coil) and points, or an electronic- trigger module. The coil is charged and triggered to induce a high voltage to your spark plugs. All CVI Accelerator models assist in the induction of a substantially higher voltage, result...
An electric car, on the other hand, has a set of batteries that provides electricity to an electric motor. The motor turns a transmission, and the transmission turns the wheels. The hybrid is a compromise. It attempts to significantly increase the mileage and reduce the emissions of a gas-...
Avoiding “jackrabbit stops or starts” is a surefire way to increase your fuel economy, Bennett says. “As you come up to a stop, take the foot off the gas earlier and allow the vehicle itself to come to a stop, and let the inertia slow you down in lieu of you slamming on the ...
That’s because open windows increase wind resistance, which makes your car work harder. Once a car has cooled down, it will remain cool. Whenever possible, park in the shade to help maintain that temperature. What speed gives you the best gas mileage?
When you’ve trimmed your budget as much as you can, it’s time to find ways to save on everyday purchases.
In this article, we'll discuss the basic idea behind an engine and then go into detail about how all the pieces fit together, what can go wrong and how to increase performance. The purpose of a gasoline car engine is to convertgasolineinto motion so that your car can move. Currently the...
On a similar note, avoid drive-thrus when possible. Park your truck and pick up your food inside when you can. Plan Ahead If you have multiple errands to run, do them all in one trip to save gas. While you’re at it, plan your route to be as efficient as possible. Most modern ...
Even if you don't drive your car often, you still need to change the oil often, because conventional oil can breakdown overtime. One way to extend your oil changes is to use synthetic. Synthetic oil does not breakdown as easily, as it has a more durable composition. You could also ...
Just like cars, city driving can increase your fuel consumption. Slowing down and speeding up at intersections or in traffic jams dramatically decreases your motorcycle’s fuel efficiency. Taking the highway allows you to maintain a constant speed at low RPMs and improve your overall gas mileage....