window=tkinter.Tk()forxinrange(4):foryinrange(2):framegrid=tkinter.Frame(master=window,relief=tkinter.SUNKEN,borderwidth=1.5)framegrid.grid(row=x,column=y,padx=5,pady=5)labelgrid=tkinter.Label(master=framegrid,text=f"Row no.{x}\nColumn no.{y}")labelgrid.pack(padx=3,pady=3)window...
The EnumMap used in the code above will guarantee that each enum member will appear only once, but it does not guarantee an entry for each member. We can check the size of the map is equal to the number of members of enums: drivers.size() == Cars.values().length The enumus libr...
Programmers should be aware that the buffer is always greater than the data it is supposed to hold. In C++, the chances of decreasing your program’s reliability can increase in case of un-checked or solved errors, and make sure that no file operations cause the program to stop....
wx.The panel is the first widget to be used, it is a window on which all controls are placed.This widget if not used then the Tab traversal is disabled. It is not compulsory to use this widget but it is suggested to be used as else one may not get the right shade of gray for t...