You’ll get a box with multiple options to choose from. Insert 15 as Step Value. Type 200 inside Stop Value. Click OK and you’ll get the list of numbers, up to 195 (as it’s the last multiple of 15 that is under 200). Read More: Drag Number Increase Not Working in Excel Metho...
Go to the Name Box and insert the dataset range (B5:F9 here). Hit the Enter. This selects all the data in Excel without dragging as shown in the image below. Read More: How to Select Cells in Excel Without Dragging Method 4 – Using Go To Command Steps: Select the first cell of...
Apply a formula to an entire column in Excel By double-clicking the fill handle By dragging the fill handle Using the Fill command Using shortcut keys By copy-pasting the cell Troubleshooting fill handle and recalculation problems Don’t see the fill handle ...
1. In a blank cell next to the data range, for instance, C13, type this formula =IF(A13=A12,C12&", "&B13,B13), press Enter key and fill the formula to cells with dragging fill handle. In the formula, A13 is the first data in the “Class” column, B13 is the first data in ...
Part 1: 5 Easy Ways to Copy a Formula Down a Column Without Dragging in Excel Copying formulas down a column in Excel can be time-consuming if done manually by dragging the fill handle. However, there are more efficient methods to achieve this without dragging. In this part, we will expl...
By providing your contact details, you agree to ourTerms of Use&Privacy Policy Insert a Checkbox To insert a checkbox in Excel, follow the given steps: Step 1:Go toDevelopertab >Insert>Form Controls>Check Box Step 2:Click in the cell where you want to insert the first checkbox. ...
Click that arrow and drag down until the bar gets big enough to accommodate the entire formula. Formula bar shortcut Another way to expand the formula bar in Excel is by using the shortcutCtrl + Shift + U. To restore the default formula bar size, press this shortcut again. ...
By dragging fields into the “Columns” section, you can expand how your data is being reported. Again, when you drag a field into this section, Excel will try to figure out how you want the data presented. For example, if you drag “Date” into the “Columns” section, then Excel wi...
While you’re here, also check out our other blog articles on how to insert PDFs into Word and PPT as well! And if you still need help, please send an email our way. We’re here to make PDF easy!Now that you know how to insert PDF in Excel in two different ways, which of ...
From the toolbar, click the plus sign (+) next to the font size to increase it to 12. Or you can enter 12 in the Font size field. Click the Bold icon, which looks like the letter B. Click the Fill color icon, which looks like a paint can, and select a theme color. I'm ...