session storage : same but is local to one URL and to one browser session (deleted on browser close).Friday, July 8, 2011 2:38 AMif you want to clear a setting call localStorage.remove('key'); where ‘key’ is the key of the value you want to remove. If you want to clear all ...
(__dirname, 'public'), filename: './js/[name].js', publicPath: '/static' }, module: { loaders: [ { test: /\.js$/, exclude: /node_modules/, loader: 'babel' }, { test: /\.css$/, include: /node_modules/, loader: 'style!css' }, { test: /\.scss$/, exclude: /node_...
Will require some processing to prefix all the selectors in the imported library with a context selector, eg: #parent so that the CSS can properly cascade to HTML inside the child components. The result should be more like #parent[data-v-###] a { foo: bar; } which will result in al...
Hi there i am trying to use the define plugin so i can update the version number to make sure my JS refreshes after releasing a new build. I can't seem to get DefinePlugin to work properly though. I see it in the folder webpack and i'm trying to follow the documentation but i get...
If your HTML code includes CSS or JavaScript, you can add these to your SPFx web part. For CSS, create a .scss file in the src/webparts/YourWebPartName directory and import it in your web part file. For JavaScript, you can include it directly in the render...
I stumbled upon this question when looking for a way to use CSS modules in my create-react-app project. Therefore, adding the answer for the create-react-app scenario. The SCSS or CSS module file name should end with module.scss or module.css in order to be able to use in cr...
Hi, I'm trying to convert a html file to cshtml by copy-paste the content to a new cshtml file. The problem is that while the html file do its job and show its design, the cshtml file (in the same project and in the same code!) don't run the design correctly, just a half of...
.row{@includeflex;} Copy After compiling this SCSS code into CSS, our CSS file should look like this. .row{display:-webkit-flex;display:flex;} Copy Passing Arguments to Mixins Mixins can also take in arguments to make the output more dynamic. For example, let’s assume we are building...
@import "filename"; When using SASS, there is no need to include the file extension in the file name. SASS automatically assumes you’re importing a file of .sass or .scss. Let’s say you have a file called default.scss that contains the following code: html, body, ul, li { margin...
In a CSS, LESS, or SCSS file, place the cursor on a cubic-bezier() or steps() transition timing function and Quick Edit displays a graphical transition curve editor. Pre-defined timing functions ease, ease-in, ease-out, ease-in-out, step-start, and step-end are also valid starting ...