To cite a movie in APA on the References page, follow this formula: Director's Last Name, First Initial. Middle Initial. (Director). (Year). Title of movie [Film]. Studio. In-Text Citation Rules A movie in APA has a simple citation format for in-text citations. The following informat...
For example, in the Quran, it is said “…Nor kill (or destroy) yourselves: for God hath been to you most Merciful! If any do that in rancour or injustice, soon shall we cast them into the fire; and easy it is for GodFootnote 7” (The Quran 4.29–4.30). In a sermon attributed...
Additionally, the study addresses questions related to how the onset of chronic conditions reinforces the already existing structural inequalities in terms of diminishing degrees of freedom (biologically, economically, socially) and thereby life chances- ability to lead a decent life. Particularly, in t...
The idea of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has become an important one over the last few decades, gradually evolving to reach today’s understanding. However, recent studies have suggested that this understanding of CSR and the way in which it is implemented differs across countries, and t...
in the conquest of Constantinople for Islam. Radu’s participation in that conquest ensured that Mehmet II would go down in history as “Fatih,” or “Conqueror.” Radu was the Ottomans’ secret weapon against the Safavids to the East and the Serbs, Romanians and Hungarians to the West....
the TJ is the way this activity is performed (e.g., TJ meals are eaten while sitting on the floor with the food and utensils placed on top of a sheet; participants use two fingers to eat while sitting in a specific stance). In the case of TJ, specific style is an outcome of the...
Learn everything you want about Citation with the wikiHow Citation Category. Learn about topics such as A Step-by-Step Guide to Citing the WHO in APA (+ other Styles), How to Cite a Quote, How to Quote and Cite a Poem in an Essay Using MLA Format, and mo
Cite the Quran How to Add a Footnote to Microsoft Word: Step-by-Step Guide How to Cite a Textbook: In-Text Citations & Bibliography References Expert Interview Thanks for reading our article! If you’d like to learn more about academic writing, check out our in-depth interview with Noah...
To cite a movie in Chicago on the Bibliography page, follow this formula: Director's Last Name, First Name, director. Title of Movie. Studio, Year. Length. URL. In-Text Citation Rules A movie in Chicago has a simple citation format for in-text citations. The following information appears...
In MLA, APA, and Chicago styles, cite emails with in-text citations. In MLA, you'll also need to add it to your Works Cited page. APA doesn't require email citations in your references. In Chicago, cite the email in your reference list (Author-Date system) or notes (Humanities ...