Bad Memories. “Bad memories” is a phenomenon in which a deeply unhappy couple “rewrites their past” in a negative way. They see every event in their relationship in a negative light, even the things they used to find joy in. This can be an indication that their relationship is near ...
Communication is not always about getting something instantly, especially when we are talking about day to day communication (with your family and friends for example). Sometimes we want to build a good relationship, sometimes we want to prepare the grounds for a future goal, sometimes we want ...
A clear apathy symptom in a relationship is whenpartners stop talkingto each other altogether. They don’t wish to share their feelings, as the other person’s opinion or well-being has no meaning to them. They might be apathetic towards it. Research shows that poor communication in romantic...
In order to be patient in a relationship, I think we have to be aware of our “negativity bias.” As humans, we are wired to scan the environment for threats. This frequently happens in relationships, where we naturally seek out the negative and tend to overlook the positive. Awareness of...
When you meditate, even just five minutes a day, it rewires your brain to “raise our levels of happiness, lower stress, and improve immune function.” Set up something to look forward to—it can be as small as a chocolate after lunch or seeing a friend this weekend. Knowing you have ...
Learning how to improve your relationship might just be easier than you think, and there are a number of techniques you can learn for doing so.
A 45-year-old client I’ll call Marco startedpsychotherapywith me by saying, “I’m unhappy, and I’ve been unhappy for so long it feels like a habit.” Marco lived with his girlfriend of seven years and had a job he felt suited him well. He said he did not know how to enjoy ...
“I’m extremely sorry you have to go through this. I can understand how frustrating this must be for you. I would feel the same way too!” As you can see from the above examples, even a slight change in your tone and choice of words can make or break a customer relationship. ...
‘doing’ to make it last. If you and your prince charming feel like you've hit a dead-end in your relationship, don’t despair and don’t give up so easily. As a woman, who's been through this successfully, I’d like to give you a few tips to guide and motivate you to keep...
If someone is clearly unhappy at work, then promoting them to manager is just going to create a bad manager. They're likely to still be an unhappy, grouchy, unmotivated employee who now spreads that attitude to their team. The effect of this has been captured by Gallup in more of their...