Learning a better mental game of golf is the easiest place to lower scores. Learn how to reduce nerves, improve focus and play better under pressure.
Top-Rated Golf Training Aids on Amazon: Improve Your Swing with These Game-Changing Tools! Paid links below 1. GoSports Foam Golf Practice Balls Link https://amzn.to/44uPHIN 2. GoSports Chipster Link https://amzn.to/3NHAAoE 3. Orange Whip Golf [Tips] 411 views one comment Flightscope...
Improve your golf in weeks by improving your flexibility, mobility & mindset. $49.00USD Buy now All Levels Rated4.7out of 5 based on124customer ratings (125) Launching The Driver - Practice Plan 1 course 1 lesson Follow along at the driving range with this 30 min practice plan. This Practi...
Those with a Fixed Mindset have a short-term view of success, because the result they get on that day defines their current ability level. They miss out on valuable learning opportunities to improve as they aren’t able to look deeper, beyond the result, to get an honest inventory of thei...
Having this much lag in your golf swing basically ensures you of taking a divot in front of the golf ball (click here for the instruction video). Improve by Hitting Irons off a Tee Another good way to practice this is to actually hit balls off a tee. Take a 7 iron and place the ...
You may be wondering, what does this have to do with my golf game? Pilates is designed to help you gain flexibility and strength using your own body weight. This in turn helps improve golf swing, prevent those pesky injuries and boost muscle memory so you can concentrate on the game at ...
play a lot of golf. I also play baseball. When I weightlift for baseball, my golf games goes sour. I do want to get stronger, bigger, and hit the golf ball farther. Do you have any suggestions on an exercise program for myself that would keep me in shape and help my golf game?
A lot of articles show you how to hold a golf club with the correct grip. However, I can’t find any that really explain how your grip affects your game. Here I will explain why a correct golf grip is so important and why changing your golf grip is the easiest way to improve your...
It seems that the game is longer than it's ever been and that the athletes are more explosive than ever before. None of them would be who they are on the course if it weren't for how they worked off the course. Here are some of the things that they do to improve in the gym...
Getting off the tee well is critical. We often hear the great importance of the short game and this is true. However, if you do have the ability to drive the golf ball straight and far, you will never be able to drastically improve your golf game. ...