Golf club head speed is the biggest determinant of how far a golf ball will travel. Many golf professionals are able to generate high club speeds through their form and method of striking the ball. Although the optimum method to measure golf club speed is through using technology at a golf ...
You’re going to do some things that you’re going to feel very, very uncomfortable doing, but it’s going to help you to get much more awareness of our face and the path as we’re swinging through the golf ball and being able to train this. The first thing we’re going to work ...
Golf is a tough game, while the swing itself is one of the most complex athletic movements. Toss in the other variable like the mental game and you can why sometimes it can take years to become consistent and improve. While it remains one of the hardest sports in the world, let’s tal...
So, let us talk about two key components to the golf swing, the grip and the position at the top of the backswing. These two things dramatically impact your potential for club head speed. First, let us talk about the golf grip. There is a video on the golf grip (click here) but so...
Backspin is the product of how much club head speed you are imparting to the ball, how centered the hit is, the loft of the club you’re using and the angle of attack at the ball (usually determined by the club). The more loft a club has, the shorter the shaft is and that create...
Remember when we train in the gym we are not training the golf swing itself but the athletic qualities required to create a strong and powerful golf swing. Any exercises that develop power and speed often start with improving strength through a hinge pattern. Here’s how you can improve your...
A lot of articles show you how to hold a golf club with the correct grip. However, I can’t find any that really explain how your grip affects your game. Here I will explain why a correct golf grip is so important and why changing your golf grip is the easiest way to improve your...
I think if you allow your left arm to fold a bit more at the elbow so that you FEEL as if both elbows are ‘under’ the club at the top of the back swing, you will increase your club head speed, and your swing plane will not ‘wobble’ so much. That should improve your ball ...
Clubhead speed is vital if you want to play better golf. I am here to tell you that you can [Tips] 76,915 views 19 comments This 8-Minute "Swing Cheat" unlocks 20-30 yards more distance by leveraging a "hidden power joint" you've never heard of: Watch: 8-Minute "Swing Cheat"...
I don't want to be trying to steer and guide and control it. And so when I go to hit a big, different shot like that. Like I hit a ball with a driver ten feet off the ground, my club head speed was still 110 but the ball only carried 204 verses some of the shots you saw ...