Broadening out and opening up technology assessment: Approaches to enhance international development, co-ordination and democratisation Technology assessment (TA) has a strong history of helping to identify priorities and improve environmental sustainability, cost-effectiveness and wider be... A Ely,PV Zw...
True climate literacy must address not only the science of climate change, but also issues of climate (in)justice, including how climate change affects people and places unevenly and contributes to inequalities within and across nations.
How to improve total factor energy efficiency under climate change: does export sophistication matter?Export sophisticationTotal factor energy efficiencyChinaThreshold modelClimate change has a profound impact on human survival and development. Climate change is an energy and economic issue, which should ...
Climate deniers, though, people who reject the basic facts of climate change, 然而,否认气候变化的人,即那些拒绝接受气候变化这一基本事实的人, are likely to be more difficult to persuade. 可能更难被说服。 Marco distinguishes a full-blown climate denier - someone who is completely committed to th...
1/ Coal plants are not like computer chips.You’ll sometimes hear Moore’s Law invoked as a reason to think we can make the same kind of exponential progress on energy. If computer chips can improve so much so quickly, can’t cars and solar panels? Unfortunately, no. Computer chips are...
Living a healthy and sustainable lifestyle is the goal that we all should aspire to work towards, however, we must do our part by taking small strides to slow down climate change. Although climate change continues to evolve, we are confident that we can find better solutions to improve our...
前文“Ensuring that your home is energy-efficient possibly keeps your bills right down and helps you play your part in the fight against climate change. (确保你的房子是节能的,可能会降低你的账单,并帮助你在对抗气候变化中发挥自己的作用。)”可知,前文讲到确保房子能够节能的好处,后文描述了具体的方...
Haywood's researchers will attempt to improve the computer modelling of geoengineering in several ways. One will be investigating whether geoengineering could be used to reverse impacts of climate change that would otherwise be irreversible. For instance: hotter temperatures seems to be pushing the Amaz...
This study is an attempt to use group information collected from different farmers (e.g.marginal, small, and medium farmers and tenants) in eastern Uttar Pradesh in India to address a question relevant to climate policy: How to encourage farmers to adapt to climate change? First, group informa...
Recently, the eight-year research results in Beijing adopted by the State Environmental Protection Administration presided over the expert appraisal. Experts believe that this research results for our understanding of the importance of clean air, improve the public and the leadership of environmental awar...