To add state to a functional component, import theuseStateHook from React, like so: App.js importReact,{useState}from'react';... Now we have access to theuseStateHook in our component, let’s go ahead and initialize a new state value: const[value,setValue]=useState(1); The line above...
To create your basic counter component, navigate to the ./src folder of your React application. In the folder, create a new JavaScript file called Counter.js and populate it with the following code: import React, { useState } from "react"; const Counter = () =>...
One React hook I most often use isuseState. importReact, { useState }from'react' Using theuseState()API, you can create a new state variable, and have a way to alter it.useState()accepts the initial value of the state item and returns an array containing the state variable, and the fu...
Now let's see how useMemo() works in an example. 2. useMemo(): an example A component <CalculateFactorial /> calculates the factorial of a number introduced into an input field. Here's a possible implementation of <CalculateFactorial /> component: import { useState } from 'react'; export...
import React, { useState } from"react"; const App = () => { /* Initial State */ let [Name, setname] = useState(''); /* The handleChange() function to set a new state for input */ const handleChange = (event) => {
Here's how to implement a single and multilevel dropdown menu in your React project. Make your nav bars more dynamic and user-friendly.
import{useState}from"react";exportdefaultfunctionApp(){const[bgColor,setBgColor]=useState("");consthandleClick=(color)=>{localStorage.setItem("color",color);setBgColor(color);};return(handleClick("pink")}>PinkhandleClick("blue")}>BluehandleClick("purple")}>Purple);} Even though we never dire...
Hooks can extend the basic functionality of functional components. React developers can use built-in hooks likeuseReducer(),useState(),useEffect()or create their own customized versions. useHistory()Hook TheuseHistory()returns ahistoryinstance, which contains the current location (URL) of the compone...
All you need to do to use it is to import it from React and wrap the part of the JSX tree that you’d like to have analysed. Let’s write a simple counter application and analyse it! import { useState } from 'react'; const Counter = () => { ...
import React, { useState } from 'react'; Next, you call the useState function and provide an initial value for the state variable: const [state, setState] = useState(initialValue); useState returns an array with two elements: the current state value and a function to update that state. Yo...