Develop once, publish everywhere! Unity is the ultimate tool for video game development, architectural visualizations, and interactive media installations - publish to the web, Windows, OS X, Wii, Xbox 360, and iPhone with many more platforms to come.
Unity ships with multiple Standard Assets packages. These are collections of assets that are widely used by most Unity customers. When you create a new project from the Project Wizard you can optionally include these asset collections. These assets are copied from the Unity install folder into ...
Getting started: import the Unity 4 Oculus integration package into Unity, then open up the demo scene and you’re good to go.The release supports Windows, Mac, Linux and Gear VR with full access to LibOVR through a pure C# wrapper....
Unity project that demonstrates how to use theKtxUnity package. You have to download theExample image filesseparately and extract them into theAssets/StreamingAssetsfolder (for runtime loading tests) and/orAssets/Textures/Demo(for Editor import). ...
in Unity 6000.0.23f1 (or higher), create a new project and import Corgi Engine v9.3 via the Package Manager open the MinimalLevel demo scene create an empty game object, position it at -10,-3,0, name it MyTestCharacter create a new empty child game object to the MyTestCharacter node...
(not from Unity)copy the manifest.jsonfile, located at the root of the Corgi Engine folder, andpaste it into your project’s Packages folder, replacing the one that is already there. You may have to restart Unity and/or reimport your packages folder, but most of the time it just works...
Import Unity Packages Unity has a Package Manager that facilitates importing external packages into the project from the Unity Asset Store, from disk, or from a Git URL. The following assets can be downloaded and/or purchased from theUnity Asset Storeand should be imported into the Unity project...
To import 3D CAD data into Unity, you can use the following options: Prepare your CAD data into the formats natively supported by Unity and import it using Unity itself. Use the PiXYZ plugin (promoted by Unity due to their partnership agreement). PiXYZ sits on top of third-party technologie...
Click the drop-down to select which packages you want to be shown. ClickMy Assets. Click the asset name you want to download from the left side list. ClickDownloadin the package manager window. After your asset has been downloaded, you can import it into your project or find the.unitypa...
Importing voxel models into Unity is not the most optimized process. But, we have a fairly streamlined method that has worked for us, and we felt like passing the knowledge on!