要解决此问题,请从 Autodesk App Store下载适用于 AutoCAD 2018 或更高版本的附加模块软件。 添加附加模块后,即可将 SketchUp (.skp) 文件导入 AutoCAD。 注意:AutoCAD LT 不支持上述附加模块。此解决方案仅与 AutoCAD 和 AutoCAD 行业专业化产品兼容。 另请参见:SketchUp Import 2016-2025...
As part of any workflow related to architectural visualization using Blender, you eventually will have to import data to use either as a reference or develop new designs. The data could present itself in many formats in the architectural business, such as DWG (AutoCAD) or SKP ...
SKP file Format Export the SketchUp Model to BXF file by using BXF Exporter for SketchUp 02 BIMDeX BXF file Format BXF file would carry all the designed data information of the model. 03 AutoCAD(3D) DWG file Format Import the BXF file in AutoCAD(3D) using the BIMDeX Importer ...
How to convert an SKP file In Trimble SketchUp, selectFile → Exportto convert SKP files to other file types, including the following formats: .3DS- 3D Studio Scene .DWG- AutoCAD Drawing .DXF- Drawing Exchange Format .DAE- Digital Asset Exchange File ...
so can they from other Computer Aided Design (CAD) software. These include AutoCAD, Microstation, SketchUp, 3ds Max, and the like. This also explains the wide range of file formats Revit’s Link CAD and Import CAD commands accept. There are DWG, DXF, DGN, SAT, SKP and possibly even mo...