I am usingreact-iconsand trying to import all icon definitions asimport * as Icons from 'react-icons/fi'The question is how can I create a type that should be one of the types exported from Icons e.g. I am trying to make props interface like this: interfaceProps{icon:Icons// don't...
It would help if you enclosed the expressions in curly brackets to guarantee they are correctly recognized as JavaScript code. Let’s look at an illustration below: import {FaBeer} from 'react-icons/fa'; const sizeValue = 14 * 5; <FaBeer size={sizeValue} /> <FaFacebook size={size...
import * as icons from '../icons'; import DefaultIcon from '../icons'; function Alert(iconName='defaultIcon', message) { function getIcon(iconName) { if (iconName === 'defaultIcon') { return DefaultIcon() } return icons[iconName] } return ( {getIcon(iconName)} {message} ) } ...
How to call like staticimport { RiShieldStarLine } from "react-icons/ri"with React.lazy Errors I got error `Error: Element type is invalid: expected a string (for built-in components) or a class/function (for composite components) but got: undefined. You likely forgot to export your comp...
Now that you understand how to create and render SVGs using the react-native-svg library, let’s explore how you can render SVG icons and images loaded from a URI. Here, you need to use a different component calledSvgUri, so let’s import it from the library: ...
React Native Elements is a UI toolkit for React Native applications that provides customizable components for building consistent user interfaces.
To use Font Awesome icons in React.js without npm and using className, follow these steps: download the Font Awesome CSS file from their website and link it in the HTML file's section.Create the icon element using the tag in your component's r
To use the <FontAwesomeIcon/> component, you must install the react-fontawesome package. You’re also going to need to import specific icons. For instance, if you’re going to use a Twitter logo, you would need to import the faTwitter icon. import React, { Component } from 'react';...
import"./App.css";import{ReactComponentasLogo}from"./assets/google.svg";functionApp(){return(<Logo/>);}exportdefaultApp; JavaScript In the code above, theReactComponentimport is a special syntax that tells webpack to load the SVG as a React component instead of a plain string. The resulti...