首先,我们必须使用以下语法在你的HTML文件中加载字体库。 HTML Copy 现在通过这个命令在ngmodule.ts文件中导入MatIconModule。 import{MatIconModule}from'@angular/material/icon'; JavaScript Copy 使用以下命令来显示一个图标。 <mat-icon>icon-name</mat-icon> JavaScript Copy 你可以根据要求改变图标的颜色。 P...
Step 2 — Using<mat-icon>with Icon Fonts In order to use the default Material Icons, you’ll need to first import them in the global stylesheet. To do this, open thestyles.cssfile (that was generated by Angular CLI): nanosrc/styles.css Copy Replace the contents of the file with the ...
Getting a "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)" Angular 6 RouterLink to open modal popup from the ngOnInit function Angular Bootstrap model popup databinding or passing in selected row data to be displayed for user edit Angular Mat-Table adding ...
The bar color is the same as the primary color which was selected while adding Angular material library; A centered image; Another, mat-button, with just a text as its child. This button will allow users to navigate to the history page; A count badge, matBadge, attached to the above ...
import{NgModule}from'@angular/core';import{MatButtonModule}from'@angular/material/button';import{MatInputModule}from'@angular/material/input';@NgModule({exports:[MatButtonModule,MatInputModule,]})exportclassDemoLogonFormMaterial{} Output:
As you can see in the above piece of code we are trying to create the label using the ‘mat-label’, for this, we have to have ‘mat-form-field’ module import inside the application. we can set up the material inside the angular application just follow the below steps mentioned, you...
ng add @angular/material JavaScript Copy 步骤: 首先,使用上述命令安装角质材料。 完成安装后,在app.module.ts文件中从’@angular/material/tooltip’导入’MatTooltipModule’ 。 我们需要使用’matTooltip’属性来显示我们要渲染的文本。 为了显示位置,我们需要使用’matTooltipPosition’属性。
Getting a "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found)" Angular 6 RouterLink to open modal popup from the ngOnInit function Angular Bootstrap model popup databinding or passing in selected row data to be displayed for user edit Angular Mat-Table adding...
Having an e-commerce store is crucial for any store owner as more and more customers are turning to online shopping. In this article, Zara Cooper will cover how to build an e-commerce store using Angular 11. You shall use Commerce Layer as our headless e
MatFormFieldModule, MatIconModule, MatInputModule, FormsModule ], providers: [], bootstrap: [AppComponent] }) export class AppModule { } Output: Create a Search Box With Icon Using Font-Awesome in AngularJS The Font-Awesome is the number one place to get all kinds of icons, so we mu...