The CSS tailwind should be added to the following location, resources/ sass/ app.scss. The user doesn’t have to install postcss-import or auto prefixes, as it is already installed along with the laravel mixture. Code: @import"tailwind CSS/ base"@import"tailwind CSS/ components"@import"tail...
containerizean application refers to the process of adapting an application and its components in order to be able to run it in lightweight environments known ascontainers. Such environments are isolated and disposable, and can be leveraged for developing, testing, and deploying applicat...
import'./bootstrap';import'../css/app.css';import{ createApp, h }from'vue';import{ createInertiaApp }from'@inertiajs/inertia-vue3';import{ InertiaProgress }from'@inertiajs/progress';import{ resolvePageComponent }from'laravel-vite-plugin/inertia-helpers';import{ ZiggyVue }from'../../vendo...
I am trying to set up the editor in my laravel 10 app and trying to initialize it using vanilla TypeScript. Not sure if what I am doing is correct or if I am doing it in the correct manner. Its just a short in the dark. // editor.ts import Engine, { PluginEntry } from '@aom...
While the Laravel community now mostly uses Tailwind CSS. Bootstrap - one of the most used CSS frameworks currently on the market, is still widely used by a portion of the community. Since Laravel's s...
In Laravel 8 we can load Component with Inertiajs We initialize Inertia in app.blade.php with this @inertia After that in app.js file, we can initialize it like this: const app = document.getElementById('app'); new Vue({ render: (h) => h...
Step 1:Use the following command to install the package: composer require ladumor/laravel-pwa Step 2:In the provider section of the app.php config file, add Service Provide. If you installed it on Laravel 6 or later, you may skip this step. ...
import'./bootstrap';import'../css/app.css';import{ createRoot }from'react-dom/client';import{ createInertiaApp }from'@inertiajs/react';import{ resolvePageComponent }from'laravel-vite-plugin/inertia-helpers';constappName =import.meta.env.VITE_APP_NAM...
By using this HTML code, you import Bootstrap version 5.2.3 and Vite to bundle the JavaScript and CSS assets. The generated page has a header with a navbar and a footer with the scripts called below it. In the body, dynamic content renders from other Blade files with the help of@yield...
Finally, we need to tell the webserver how to route the traffic. First, in “cars/”, we define how the REST behavior works: (myprojectenv) [root@pga cars]# cat urls.pyfromdjango.urlsimportpathfrom.importviews urlpatterns = [ ...