In scenarios where adding a DLL to the Windows GAC (global assembly cache) using gacutil.exe does not work, or needs to be scripted, you can use PowerShell. Add a DLL to the GAC 1. Run the Power Shell console as Administrator.
Powershell Scr ipt: Set-Alias Name: Gacutil Value: C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\bin\gacutil.exe Install a dll: Gacutil /i D:\anavijai.sample.dll Uninstall a dll: Gacutil /u anavijai.sampleinstall or uninstall dll in GAC powershell GAC sharepoint .net dll ...
"Unable to find a default server with Active Directory Web Services running" when calling a script with Import-module AD "Unable to process the request due to an internal error" After AD Upgrade "WITH" Keyword In Powershell? “The security identifier is not allowed to be the owner of th...
Be sure that your module manifest is located in the top level of the directory that contains your module. When you copy your module onto a system and import it, PowerShell uses the module manifest to import your module. Optionally, you can directly test your module manifest with a...
To test your module manifest, use Test-ModuleManifest. Test-ModuleManifest myModuleName.psd1 Be sure that your module manifest is located in the top level of the directory that contains your module. When you copy your module onto a system and import it, PowerShell uses the module m...
One of these Visual Basic 6.0 COM objects reference another third-party DLL. The third-party DLL needs to be registered on a Windows Server 2008 R2 x64 machine. I have found scripts to register the DLL in the GAC without GACUTIL using PowerShell (ref:
Import-WinModule -Name ActiveDirectory Now you can use AD cmdlets in your PowerShell Core 7.x scripts. How toinstall the latest version of PowerShellon Windows? Installing the RSAT-AD-PowerShell Module on Windows Server On Windows Server, you can install the Active Directory Module for Windows...
How do I import a Powershell module in C# How do I import User32.dll? How do I input to another application? How do I insert cells using INSERT INTO & SET? (Excel oledb) how do i know if the user changed data in the form How do I let users input strings into an array in ...
Logon to a Windows 7 or Server 2008 R2 Machine as an Administrator. Create a folder called O365LicenseScripts. Create all files from the “PowerShell Script Code” section in this folder. Install the Microsoft Online Sign In Assistant. Install the Microsoft ...
You can continue, otherwise your need to check if you made mistakes with setting your env variable. Now install wand by calling pip install wand in your powershell. Run python in your powershell python and run the following command import wand.image. If the interpreter returns no errors, ...