How to implement lean in a public company in chile Without failing in the attempdoi:10.7764/RIC.00093.21CHILELEAN managementPUBLIC sectorGOVERNMENT business enterprisesSUSTAINABILITYORGANIZATION managementChile is the largest producer of copper worldwide, where CODELCO, a state-owned enterp...
Innovation North is based at Ivey Business School in Canada and led by Tima Bansal (former executive director of the Network for Business Sustainability). Collectively, we believe that companies can innovate products, services, and processes that are both profitable and contribute to better societies ...
79% of consumers are considering sustainability in their holiday shopping this year, whilst 76% are even willing to pay more for eco-friendly products1. Ensure visitors to your e-commerce website can clearly see where your business stands: add a banner to your homepage highlightin...
Discover how NFC technology can empower companies to enhance their sustainability practices. Learn how NFC can help you reduce waste and improve efficiency.
ESG stands for Environmental, Social, and Governance - three critical pillars used to assess corporate sustainability. These factors serve as key indicators for evaluating a company’s commitment to sustainability and are used to monitor the performance of corporations in terms of sustainability and soc...
With sustainability a key priority for many companies, learn best practices on how to create a sustainable meetings and events strategy.
Supply chain transparency is necessary to grasp the full extent of a company’s environmental, economic, and social impacts so that a company’s leaders, employees, and customers can make more informed decisions. Sustainability Explained In 1987, the United Nations first defined sustainable development...
Brown describes the brand’s low-carbon focus as “a central north star that was measurable”, cutting through the noise of other, equally important but tougher to measure, factors around sustainability: “We started to measure our carbon footprint as a business. We realised we could boil that...
To successfully implement a new EHS management system using the Plan-Do-Check-Act method, getting key stakeholder buy in is key. There are two important factors to consider: leadership and management commitment and worker participation. Leadership and Management Commitment Getting leadership and mana...
In business contexts, sustainability refers to more than just environmentalism. Harvard Business School lists two ways to measure sustainable business practices: the effect a business has on the environment, and the effect a business has on society, with the goal of sustainable practice being to hav...