@igorkr_10, According to the sample code I have got (I have included the link in the question), I need to use Intent.GetParcelableExtra("PortInfo")...However, I am getting a compiler error that an object reference is required for the non static object, field, method or property Inten...
What I was trying to say is that you are implementing a parcelable interface and to use this interface you have to implement its required method such as writeToParcel() and others, so I think when you create a new object from the class in your case DAY class, the methods from the parcel...
false; #pragma warning disable 618 // TODO: one day use the API 33+ version: https://developer.android.com/reference/android/os/Bundle#getParcelable(java.lang.String,%20java.lang.Class%3CT%3E) #pragma warning disable CA1422 // Validate platform compatibility #pragma warning disable CA141...
let there is class Collage type which I have to pass from one activity to another */ import android.os.Parcelable import kotlinx.android.parcel.Parcelize @Parcelize class Collage(val name: String, val mobile: String, val email: String) : Parcelable /* Activity First , let here data is...
can use the callback pointer in the daemon.onGetPacketis a remote method that can be invoked by the callback pointer. We will implementonGetPacketlater in an Android app. On receiving a packet the daemon cal callonPacketEventthat will invoke a remote method to send a packet to the ...
You have developed completeImage GalleryAndroidApplicationand along the way you learnedKotlinsyntax, Glide Library, RecyclerView, NavigationView, Drawer Layout and their click listeners inKotlin, You have also learned how to create and useData Class in Kotlin,How to create and useRecyclerViewand itsAd...
@igorkr_10, According to the sample code I have got (I have included the link in the question), I need to use Intent.GetParcelableExtra("PortInfo")...However, I am getting a compiler error that an object reference is required for the non static object, field, method or property Inten...
I need to implement a Xamarin.Forms application that can read NFC tags. Regarding this, I have 2 questions:How to enable NFC in Android Emulator I have used _nfcAdapter = NfcAdapter.GetDefaultAdapter(this); in MainActivity OnCreate method, but null is returned...
@igorkr_10, According to the sample code I have got (I have included the link in the question), I need to use Intent.GetParcelableExtra("PortInfo")...However, I am getting a compiler error that an object reference is required for the non static object, field, method or property Inten...