Now go to http://localhost:8098/ and have a look at your first Vue.js Spring Boot App.Faster feedback with webpack-dev-serverThe webpack-dev-server, which will update and build every change through all the parts of the JavaScript build-chain, is pre-configured in Vue.js out-of-the-...
Spring Boot Misconfiguration: Developer tools enabled on production Spring Boot Misconfiguration: H2 console enabled Spring Boot Misconfiguration: MongoDB credentials stored in the properties file Spring Boot Misconfiguration: Overly long session timeout Spring Boot Misconfiguration: Spring Boot Actuator shutdow...
A while ago, I posted the following question to SAP Community. Is there a way to consume custom UI5 library from SAP Business Application Studio? At that time, I managed to find a workaround, which is described in the comment of above question. However, it required an adjustment before ...
By default, Laravel protects all form submissions with CSRF token verification via theVerifyCsrfTokenmiddleware in thewebroute group defined in (app/Http/Kernel.php). In order to take advantage of the extra security CSRF tokens offer, we will need to include a CSRF token in each of our form...
Hi All, The purpose of this document is to provide the concrete steps for connecting to SAP Hana Trial Instance on the cloud from your java program through JDBC.
but i also want to know which user is doing that request,thus if it is logged i need all the data , otherwise the app would do other stuff. Having in mind once the user is autheticated with token a SecurityContextHolder is already created setting the user details for t...
Now go tohttp://localhost:8098/and have a look at your first Vue.js Spring Boot App. Faster feedback with webpack-dev-server The webpack-dev-server, which will update and build every change through all the parts of the JavaScript build-chain, is pre-configured in Vue.js out-of-the-...
At this point, I only have one implementation, PrincipalParamInitializer which adds a principal parameter with principal name as its value (which is, in turn, a sub value extracted from the JWT token). All your endpoint has to do is to declare a principal parameter (doesn't matter if ...
Implement Serializable interface and click FinishAdd @Entity, @Table annotations to entity bean class. Add @ID annotation to all primary key fields. The attributes of the class should be exactly same as columns of the database table. The table name should be same as the table created in ...
SAP Access Control provides an additional method for checking authorizations in the SAP authorization concept. Ref : Scenario : We want to show specific Airline data to user, we will be restricting User with...