How to log in to Microsoft Teams DesktopMobile If you can't log in to Teams, see Why am I having trouble signing in to Microsoft Teams? If you're having trouble logging in to a Teams meeting, see I can't join a Teams meeting....
如果你在 Teams 上加入会议供个人使用,你将使用个人 Teams 帐户加入会议。 Microsoft隐私声明管理使用个人 Teams 帐户的会议数据。 注意: 某些会议功能可能不适用于 Teams 个人帐户。 详细了解 Microsoft Teams (免费) 参与者的会议体验。 如果你是管理员... 从日历或 ID 加入 选择Teams 最左侧的 “日历 ”。 找...
On the web, go to in with your Microsoft 365 username and password. Notes: Teams is part of Microsoft 365, so you need a Microsoft 365 Apps for business or Enterprise license to use it. For details, see How do I get access to Microsoft Teams? Depend...
>Microsoft Teams . On Mac, open theApplicationsfolder and selectMicrosoft Teams . On the web, go to Sign in with your Microsoft 365 username and password. Notes: Teams is part of Microsoft 365, so you need a Microsoft 365 Apps for business or Enterprise license...
若要在团队或群组聊天中安装 Microsoft Teams 机器人,请为机器人添加teams或groupchat范围。 此操作允许对话的所有成员与你的机器人互动。 安装机器人后,它有权访问有关对话的元数据,例如对话成员列表。 此外,当它在团队中安装时,机器人可以访问有关该团队的详细信息和完整的频道列表。
以后,使用 Microsoft Teams 采用 网站的指南,帮助你在组织中推广 Teams。我们建议在组织做好准备时按工作负载分阶段部署 Teams。 不必等到完成了一个步骤才开始下一个步骤。 某些组织可能希望同时推出所有 Teams 功能,而另一些组织可能更喜欢分阶段方法。 下面是按我们的建议部署顺序列出的 Teams 工作负载:...
However, for specific scenarios that require fast and direct communication, you can use theWalkie Talkie app in Microsoft Teams. The app provides instant push-to-talk (PTT) communication from a mobile device, without having to start Microsoft Teams or dial a phon...
默认情况下,所有 Microsoft Teams 租户中已禁用 RTMP 输出功能。 MS Teams 租户管理员必须全局启用此功能,或者为选定的一组用户启用此功能。 请参阅流式传输 Teams 会议。 如果未你为启用此功能,请联系 Teams 管理员。 创建媒体服务帐户。 使用标准转码 (720p) 实时事件或直通事件创建实时事件。 Teams 自定义流...
1. Create a team in Microsoft Teams Open up theMicrosoft Teamsapp. On the right-hand side of the page you can see different areas such as Teams, Devices, Locations, Users, and more. ClickTeams. You will be directed to all different teams that you are part of. ...
In some cases, you won’t be able to leave a non org-wide team. For example, students using the education version of Microsoft Teams won’t be able to leave a team on their own. If you are the last person on a team and have automatically been appointed as a team owner or similar...