ikigai这个概念最初就是穆雷介绍给我的 对它肤浅地理解一些后 已经给我的生活和30岁纠结得到一些解脱 而穆雷丰富精彩的经历 可能来解释ikigai是再合适不过 北京今晚本是可以看到流星雨的 结果暴雨辜负了我的浪漫痴梦 作老师 穆雷 我 三个30岁的三分之一人生 希望不会辜负各位的雨夜 更多全部 ...
these experiences are highly individualized, varying from one person to the next. Unfortunately, with today’s chronically high levels of workplace stress, many of our emotions are unpleasant and unproductive. If you want to manage or minimize your negative moods — known as “self-regulation...
Japan, who use ikigai to find a purpose in life that inspires them to wake up each day. This approach is considered one of the reasons for longevity in Japan.
We invited Kelly Morita, Ikigai expert to let her narrate how this concept inspired her to create her brand new coaching and life transition service.