Rip currents in the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts are being blamed for at least eight deaths since last week. CBS News correspondent Cristian Benavides reports on how Florida is reacting. Then, Wyatt Werneth, public service spokesperson for the American Lifeguard Association, explains how to identify the...
A rip currentis when waves come into the beach they bring a lot of water with them. This water needs to escape back out into the ocean. The water usually goes along the beach to either end and then goes in a channel out the back or in the middle of the beach through a break in ...
Additionally, we can tell whatnetmaskI'm using: you'll note that the IP address is actually given as That "/24" bit of the address is, indeed, the netmask: it tells the computer what parts of the IP address are usable to uniquely identify computing devices on my ne...
The first several letters, however, must uniquely identify the keyword. If they do not identify a specific keyword, press Tab continuously to display different keywords and you can select one as required. The command output obtained through the online help function is used for reference only....
From there you need to try and identify what went wrong in your code. Its not much fun but it, at least, gives you a starting point. Edit: The "segfault at" bit is telling you, i'd wager, that you have dereferenced a NULL pointer. The rsp is the current stack pointer. Alas its...
Enter the first several letters of a keyword in a command and press Tab to display a complete keyword. The first several letters, however, must uniquely identify the keyword. If they do not identify a specific keyword, press Tab continuously to display different keywords and you can select one...
How to apply thermal paste on an AMD CPU (AM5) (Image credit: Tom's Hardware) AMD's current AM5 socket and its Ryzen 7000-9000 processors are thicker and heavier than their AM4 predecessors. But because the heat spreader has two cutouts around each edge, its surface area for heat tr...
3D X-ray and acoustic microscopy can identify capacitor cracking; however, cross sectional analysis is often required to completely confirm. Cross sectioning and optical microscopy can also shed light on the root cause of the cracking. Flex cracks typically manifest as diagonal cracks between the ...
to rip off the board, creating a crater-shaped crack structure in the laminate layer underneath the ball pad. 3D X-ray, dye-and-pry analysis, cross sectional analysis, or, in very severe cases, simple optical inspection can be used to identify the presence of pad cratering under BGA pads...
If you are caught in a rip current, here are some safety tips (from NOAA): Remain calm to conserve energy and think clearly. Never fight against the current. Think of it as a treadmill that can't be turned off, which you need to step to the side of. ...