Native to the American Midwest, primarily the Ohio River Valley, the shingle oak (Quercus imbricaria, zones 5 to 8) has unlobed leaves unlike other oak leaf types, making it one of the easiest species to identify. The narrow, oblong-shaped leaves are a glossy dark green with smoo...
Let’s take a look at how to identify and treat it. When you know what you’re looking for, it’s a lot easier to take swift action to save your plants. What is Alternaria? It’s most often referred to as “leaf spot” or “leaf blight,” as it almost always affects plants’ ...
Since the adults are often quick-flying flies that are not typically noticed, it is easiest and most effective to monitor for these pests by inspecting the plants themselves for eggs and damage. Flip over the leaves and look for eggs and early mining activity, using a hand lens with 10X ma...
A deciduous tree’s leaves turn red when the weather begins to get cooler because that type of tree does not produce the correct amount of chlorophyll to keep the bushy leaves their vibrant color all year long. It’s not the tree's fault. As the days grow shorter and the sun doesn’t...
Pale blotches on your spinach? Wandering trails of not-so-green lines on your squash leaves? These are telltale signs that you’ve got leaf miners! Here's how to identify, get rid of, and prevent leaf miners on your plants.
by Nebula Haze Table of Contents Intro: Use Pre-Flowers or Testing to Find the Sex of Young Plants & Seedlings Leaf Sample Testing (Bonus) – Identify sex in just 1-3 weeks from germination Male Pre-Flower Pics –Appears 3-4 weeks from germination Female Pre-Flower Pics –Appears 4-6 ...
Exposure to too much breeze from the fan can affect the cannabis leaves to start to curl and "claw." Learn about wind burn and how to prevent it.
How to Identify Aphids Two main types of aphids affect trees and plants in Utah: cherry black fly aphids and woolly apple aphids. Cherry black fly aphids attack young, new growth on cherry trees. They cause leaves to shrivel, and they leave behind a sticky substance. Cherry aphids look like...
Other publicly available benchmark datasets such as Oxford flower 102 [20], MK leaf [21] or LeafSnap [22] usually comprise either leaves or flowers but in no case multi organ observations. A recent approach named WTPlant uses stacked CNNs to identify plants in natural images [23]. This ...
to grow on wires and other supports, whereas wild grapes climb fences, trees, shrubs and other vegetation. The riverbank grapevine can reach 50 feet in length and may overwhelm other plants. Grapevinelike leaves on an upward-growing vine are the first step in identifying grapevine leaves ...