In Study 1, autistic and neurotypical adults were asked to identify which location, on a grid of 36 potential locations, the experimenter was looking at on a series of discrete trials. All participants (both autistic and neurotypical) were able to effectively make line-of-sight judgements, ...
aChildren with autism may acquire a vocabulary, they may be able to identify objects but may not be able to understand other important elements of language, such as syntax (how we string words together.) or pragmatics (the relationship of ideas to one another.) Some children never quite get...
This finding gives us a new awareness of how parents, clinicians and educators can identify early signs of autism in children's development. It can help parents of autistic children understand why their child's patterns of speech, and how they respond to other people, may be different to neur...
As a result, despite ADHD affecting both genders equally, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, boys are three times more likely to be diagnosed with it than girls. It’s also apparently harder to identify ADHD in people with higher IQ, as “a higher degree of...
Two studies were conducted to better understand how children with intellectual disabilities (ID) empathize with the feelings of others during social intera
Clinicians' perceptions of the benefits of aquatic therapy for young children with autism: a preliminary study. This purpose of this study was to identify clinicians' perceptions of the benefits of aquatic therapy for young children with autism.Eighteen aquatic occup... S Darcy,V Hulls,K Lisa,....
The actor behind Monk is Tony Shalhoub, and he's won three Emmy Awards for his work on the show. Shalhoub has said that he can identify with his character's obsessive traits, as can, perhaps, many viewers [source: WebMD]. To portray Monk, Shalhoub has said that he allows every normal...
Free-text labels: Our second aim was to characterize the frequency and variety of emotion words participants with and without TBI generated for the 33 emoji and to identify particular emoji that might be at increased risk of being misinterpreted both within and between participant groups. We used...
(4) include and report on the quality of life and/or well-being of people who identify as having an autism diagnosis (diagnostic label may be autism spectrum disorder [ASD], autism, autistic disorder, Asperger’s syndrome, pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified [PDD_NOS]); (...
In How to Prepare a Dissertation Proposal, Krathwohl and Smith provide what they describe as, an assembly manual that will (1) identify and explain the components of a dissertation proposal, (2) assist you in constructing the needed elements, and (3) guide you in combining the pieces to pro...