Most people define a person based on the first appearance or a character the person exhibits and sometimes this can be very deceptive. Martina Akusika Mensah a Lawyer, Gender Activist and entrepreneur has advised people who try to identify an abusive person by their character to put a stop to...
But while different relationships can be uniquely abusive for mental well-being, this maltreatment usually follows a similar pattern of behavior that makes it easy to identify. The signs of mental abuse include: Name-calling Abusive words are a common tactic used by abusers to ridicule and demean...
Regular visits can serve as a deterrent to potential abusers and can help families stay attuned to the needs of their loved ones. These visits allow family members to monitor the care provided and to quickly identify any changes in health or behavior that may indicate abuse or neglect. Engaged...
HOW TO IDENTIFY VERBAL ABUSE Victims of verbal abuse often do not "hear" their partner's words as abusive. We tend to think, "That's just how they talk" or we think nothing of it at all because verbal abuse wormed its way into our mind and heart early in life. However, not ...
The Myers-Briggs personality INFJ. Introverted + intuitive + feeler + judging. In this article, I will show you how to identify someone with this type of personality, and I will also go over their strengths and weaknesses.
Diversity, equity and inclusion advocate Melinda Briana Epler explains what they are and how to practice them. Business Are you suffering from collaboration overload? 9 beliefs and fears that help drive it Take a look and see how many you identify with — and then get advice on how to ...
Just because this type of bullying often involves adults doesn’t mean that it’s something that people always know how to handle. The truth is, the psychological effects of bullying can be damaging and painful, regardless of age. Read on to learn how to identify and stop bullying at work...
And I also knew enough to be as transparent as possible with them, admitted I didn’t always do things right – gave them tools and resources to get help, if they needed it. I defined my disassociations as my problem – tried to lift them up and help them identify their own needs ...
Your loved one regularly calls you in crisis, upset about their abusive relationship. They tell you all the horrible things that their partner has said or done but continues to stay in the relationship despite the many incidences of abuse and the concerns expressed by you ...
Physicians and mental health experts use a combination of visual assessment and interview skills to accurately diagnose alcohol issues, including abuse, addiction and dependence. In some cases, a physical exam could be used to identify intoxication or withdrawal. ...