old bucks live back in the deepest, nastiest swamps and thickets they can find. Maybe some do, but most don’t. When it comes todeer bedding areas, bucks develop personalities like any animal, and the majority prefer to hoof around a bit to socialize before ...
If you venture West to hunt mule deer for the first time, understand their different demeanor. This is a how to hunt mule deer.
When I’m faced with a tricky access scenario due to terrain, bedding areas, game trails, food sources, etc., I work backward from the hotspot to my truck. If I can’t get to and from Hotspot A without alerting whitetails, can I get to and from Lukewarm Spot B that isn’t too fa...
and they will lead you directly to bedding areas. In severe winter weather deer will use the same beds over and over, and melt the snow right down to the ground.
Begin your drive soon after dark and visit the best feeding areas on the outskirts of the property you can hunt, taking mental note of which bucks you see, what cover they’re closest too, and their direction of travel. “If you understand the deer’s direction of travel, you can return...
Find Their Bedding Areas Figure out where NOT to go. For deer in the summer, their sacred space is where they bed. Look for flat, protected areas near a water source or an open area hidden from plain view. We have found bedding areas in strange places- even surrounded by briar thickets...
season. Or, simply become a blind yourself by donning a Ghillie suit to conceal your human form and blend in with your surroundings. Since you'll be hunting in close proximity to bedding areas, get in extremely early in the morning to avoid spooking deer as they return from nighttime ...
And it's not just deer hunters that affect whitetails. I bowhunt several small farms where I’m the only early-season archer chasing bucks. However, public properties are scattered throughout the neighborhood, and most of the deer I hunt use these areas on a frequent basis. These ...
I hate to admit this, but our dogs are stinky. Their crates are stinky. Their bedding is stinky. And the breath? Oh, don’t even get me started. Looking for how to get rid of stinky dog smell in your home? Keep reading! Gus and Woodrow, our two 100-pound Labrador Retrievers, have...
English Setter Bred to cover a lot of area when hunting, the English setter is a lively dog that loves to hunt and run. This is especially true of dogs from field lines. See more in our Dogs image gallery! Keith Barraclough/DCL Even though dogs are man's best friend, it helps ...