Some believe that it is immoral to harm animals, but it is not immoral to kill humanely raised domesticated animals. Implicit in this is the assumption that it is possible to raise and slaughter animals without harming them significantly. In recent years, a number of philosophers – DeGrazia,...
even my 14-year-old son can humanely kill a pig. We’ve even been fortunate to sneak up on our pigs and kill them while they’re sleeping, so they literally have no bad days on the farm. That’s the ultimate goal.
This process usually takes about two years, with the cattle being weighed monthly to ensure they’re gaining weight as they should. Photo Credit: DepositPhotos Is Wagyu Beef Humanely Raised? Most Wagyu beef producers claim that their cattle are treated humanely, and we can kind of draw this co...
I really think pigs are one of the easiest animals to raise on a homestead. They mature quite a bit faster than a beef cow and render way more meat (and lard) than a chicken or rabbit (and frankly pulled pork, fresh bacon,lard rendered at home, andsalt-cured hamsare just amazing!!!
On average, a whole animal weighs around 1,000 pounds at slaughter. Roughly 40% of the total weight is inedible portions, including the intestines, hide, etc. That means an average cow has a “hanging weight” of 600 lbs. Generally, meat is sold by “hanging weight,” but that’s befo...
I was pretty incoherent about how I approached things. I tried and I struggled, should I just eat fish? Should I just eat humanely raised animals? There’s a while where I wasn’t eating any meat, but I was wearing leather. After college I became vegetarian and ultimately vegan. It was...
The key to being a successful butcher is to know and love raw meat.Some people find the meat industry tough to stomach, but this is the industry that keeps burgers and steaks on our dinner plates. The meat industry begins in the slaughterhouse, where animals are humanely killed, skinned, ...
By Dan Olmsted It was a decade ago –“a budding spring day” in April 2005 – that I visited Amish country in Pennsylvania just a couple of hours away from Washington for my first Age of Autism column, titled...
Animal rights and legislation in Canada: How we fail to slaughter animals humanelyK. Eric