Then I put a ziplock baggie over the open end, and flip it over again. The mouse falls into the baggie, zip it closed. Double bag it just to be sure, and release or allow mouse to humanely suffocate. I’m three for three! (The mice don’t really bother me much, but my wife ...
Next, try to find all the entry and exit points that they might use for coming in and leaving your house. Start using deterrents or mouse traps to either force them to change their path or catch them. Using a snap trap is another great way for mouse extermination. These are spring base...
Once you’ve caught a mouse, you’ll need to travel quite a distance to re-house it. This is because mice can find their way back home up to five miles from where they came from! When it comes to re-housing mice humanely, there are a few different steps you’ll need to take. Ti...
Welcome to We provide tips and product reviews on the best ways to get rid of pests in and around your home. If you have pest, we can help!
I prefer snap traps for mice. Properly set, they kill quickly and humanely. Rats are hard to trap in any device. They’re very smart and wary. You’re more likely to catch one if you bait a trap but don’t set it for a few days, replacing the bait when it’s eaten. In my ex...
I hope he considers putting the trap in a freezer to kill them quicker and more humanely than leaving them for days. Shooting them in a trap is actually not that bad of a solution to humanely killing them. Really in an urban environment all you’re likely doing is helping with population...
Catch the frogs with a net while wearing garden gloves, and release them away from your yard. Also gather tadpoles in the water and lay them in the sun to dry. Apply a line of salt, rock salt, baking soda, Marking Chalk powder(For construction and baseball fields), or cayenne pepper ...
Be aware that while these snares can catch a squirrel, they may not kill it. Use at least one foot of wire. Make a loop smaller than 3" in diameter. Pinch the tag end of the wire together with some needle nose pliers. Use your free hand to twist the loop clockwise. Get some ...
There are a number of different types of traps that can also be used to catch mice, with a number of different techniques used to achieve this result. Some traps will have a glue pad that the mouse will stick to and be unable to move once it steps on to the trap, while other altern...
Look for the distinct, rectangular-shaped bar looping around one side of the trap–this is the kill bar, which is spring loaded to snap back and kill any lured mice. The pedal is a small, copper-colored piece of metal that springs the trap when the mouse steps on it. The armbar, a...