Varnish, Apache, Memcached)3. Dedicated IPs4. Ability to host multiple PHP websites with dedicated SSL protection on the same IP5. User-friendly control panel for server and application-related tasks6. Real-time server performance monitoring7. Limitless staging environments with...
rather I gave permission to share file's at the particular domain, I am trying to access the file from subdomain as follow's. Here as example i am taking to give access to stream video. Following are my code's to give permission for domain: **I have a...
Finally, configures each service to use its respective image, maps port 80 on the php container to port 80 on the host, and changes how the database container’s environment variables are set. When defined this way, they’ll be set from environment variables of the...
It really looks like an easy process. However, if you are working with any software product and need to accept recurring or one-time payments, then you need to do a bit more for it. You will need certain API keys to securely integrate PayPal in PHP applications, which requires a bit of...
define(‘DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’); Update the database name, user name, and password you created in the earlier step. After that,save the wp-config.phpfile. Your website should be live now so you can log in.Move to Settings » Generaland without changing anything, Click Save Changes...
If you want to add WordPress header and footer code, there are three possible solutions: Manually, by editing your theme’s header.php and footer.php files With your theme’s built-in header and footer code feature Using a WordPress plugin The first option is not beginner-friendly because it...
Delete thewp-login.phpfile. Login through your new URL. 1. Create a New File Create a new file from the text editor and save it into your root folder. Name this file whatever you want your login url to be. In this case I named itnew-login.php. ...
Migrating the Duplicator Package to Your New Host Next, go to the site or server you are moving to and upload the files you downloaded to your website’s document root. In this case, we named the file installer.php, so if you changed it you will need to use the same name. You can...
How to Limit Access by IP to Your wp-login.php file in WordPress How to Add Passwordless Login in WordPress with Magic Links How to Protect Your WordPress Site From Brute Force Attacks We hope this article helped you add 2-factor verification for WordPress login. You may also want to see...
Go back to the File Manager and edit its wp-config.php file. Find the code defining the database credentials: // ** Database settings - You can get this info from your web host ** // /** The name of the database for WordPress */ define( 'DB_NAME', 'database_name_here' );...