Do not discusscurrent genemulators/homebrew; It is permitted to constructively discuss the use of flash carts, emulators and homebrew software when in the context of previous generation(s) hardware. We ask that you do not link to any resources for illegal copyrighted content such as where to do...
Hacks, cheats, tricks, and news on everything Nintendo Wii and Nintendo Wii U. Banner image via [ Farley Santos]/Flickr.
This tutorial detailed the steps to install EmuThreeDS to enable you to play Nintendo 3DS games and homebrew on your iPhone running on latest iOS. No jailbreak nor any forms of subscriptions is required. This tutorial though intended for iPhone, but works the same for iPad as well a...
WUX files are the compressed version of WUD files, which are typically created using Homebrew for Wii U to store game information dumped from a Wii U game. Since the game information is large in size (over 20 GB), multiple WUD files are created to store segments (around 2 GB) of the ...
While it is possible to install homebrew software on the Sony console and run custom operating systems such as Linux, it is not possible to install unsigned code or applications that would allow users to play PS4 games on other platforms once those games have been released. There are four wa...
Finally, a way to load the shareware version of Wolfenstein 3D on my 4K TV. An in-game menu overlay that can be brought up with a user-set combination of buttons. You don't need a Virtual Boy to play this homebrew racing game on your Xbox Series X/S. Hey, look, this comple...
Citra is a free open-source 3DS emulator which started in early 2013. This fine piece of program is capable of emulating a wide variety of titles, as well as, homebrew applications. According to the official website, the Citra emulator requires OpenGL 3.3 or above to run at full speed. ...
However, old things can still be useful, and its age does not mean you cannot still make use of your old Wii. With the Homebrew Channel (HBC) installed, the Nintendo Wii can do a whole lot more. Turning it from an expensive doorstop into a retro wonder. All you need to unlock the ...
You Need to the Homebrew Channel to Install Gamecube Games on Your Wii or Wii U Nintendont doesn't require any additional USB loaders, cIOS revisions, or other tweaks. You just need to get your console to a state where the Homebrew Channel has been installed. To install Nintendont on your ...
Please DO Not use WinX DVD Ripper to rip rental DVDs. It will cost you about 4 mins to read through the article. You can skip to: Part 1. Rip DVD to Microsoft Xbox One on PC (Mac) Part 2. Transfer the Converted Video to Xbox One ...