Do not discusscurrent genemulators/homebrew; It is permitted to constructively discuss the use of flash carts, emulators and homebrew software when in the context of previous generation(s) hardware. We ask that you do not link to any resources for illegal copyrighted content such as where to do...
Nintendont turns that switch back on again, allowing you to run GameCube natively at full speed. This exploit is possible as the "final" firmware used on the original Wii and in vWii mode on the Wii U is susceptible to tampering. By installing the Homebrew Channel, it's possible to insta...
While you can play Nintendo 3DS games onLimónusing the built-in touch-screen controller, however the best way is to use physical controller – since Nintendo 3DS games are meant to be played using physical buttons (and touch screen). Check out the“Controller Recommendation”section b...
HomebrewPluginsHow to Rob A Gas Station v2.0 by POtO Software Last Release: Jul 15, 2022 Downloads: 201 In this game you, get this, rob a gas station. In fact, it's a step by step tutorial on robbing a gas station. Since this game is about 5 minutes, there are multiple ...
HCHomebrew Channel(Wii applications) HCChaplain(USAF) HCHeart Catheterization(cardiology) HCHost Country HCHonors College HCHuntingdon College(Montgomery, Alabama) HCHoly Cow HCHost Controller(USB device) HCHonoris Causa HCHot Coffee HCHeadcount ...
Quality dvd disks and cds are projected to last 30-80 years as long as stored in the right way. But disks that are commonly used will wear out far quicker. But for a gc I recommend you get a wii with gamecube built in (they are cheaper too) and then homebrew it so you can have...
DAT file, most commonly namedsave.dat. If you are installing Porteus on a device that uses a Windows file system, you must create and use a DAT file to save and load changes. On these devices, a DAT file is required to retain necessary system data, such as symlinks and Linux ...
This tutorial detailed the steps to install EmuThreeDS to enable you to play Nintendo 3DS games and homebrew on your iPhone running on latest iOS. No jailbreak nor any forms of subscriptions is required. This tutorial though intended for iPhone, but works the same for iPad as well a...
HC Homebrew Channel (Wii applications) HC Chaplain (USAF) HC Heart Catheterization (cardiology) HC Host Country HC Honors College HC Huntingdon College (Montgomery, Alabama) HC Holy Cow HC Host Controller (USB device) HC Honoris Causa HC Hot Coffee HC Headcount HC Heart Chakra HC Healthy Contr...