Keeping your knife sharp is the best way to ensure consistent and safe cutting. A dull knife is not only frustrating to use, but it can also be dangerous since it will require more force to do the same amount of work as a sharper blade. But don’t be afraid of sharpening! The truth...
1.Whencutting,holdtheforkinyourlefthand.2.Onlywhencutting,placetheknifeinyourrighthand.3.Makeacut.4.Nowswitchhands.5.Apartfromcutting,eatwithyourforkinyour righthand,tinesfacingupward.European(Continental)Style 1 Knowthattheforkisontheleftsideoftheplateandtheknifeisontheright.Ifyouhavemorethanonefork,...
The chef's knife is a chef's best friend for a reason. It's a versatile tool that can handle a multitude of kitchen tasks. However, it works best when you hold it correctly. Before we get into that, let's tackle the wrong ways to hold a knife. ...
You can get absolute precision and customize your blades to the exact shape you like, but it takes practice to hold the knife at the correct angle and get consistent results across the entire surface. When we tested whetstones, King's starter set came out on top due to its combination of...
a knife. but the steel rod doesn't actually sharpen your knife—it just straightens out the cutting edge on the blade to allow for smoother, safer cuts. sharpening your knife, on the other hand, actually, well, sharpens it. so yes, you need to do both. hone your knife weekly—ev...
AtKnifeInformer.comwe know that owning a knife with a dull blade is like a having a gun without bullets! Thankfully, today's high-tech knives made from high-end stainless steels are typically insanely sharp right out of the box. Many will hold their edge for years to come but this is...
Place the watermelon cut side down on a cutting board. Holding your knife at an angle, cut down towards the cutting board to remove the rind and white flesh. You should see the dark pink insides of the watermelon (pictured above) after you’ve made the cuts. ...
To avoid round foods from rolling, first cut them in half. There’s a trick to hold the food in place while you make the cut: After placing the knife in the top of the food, carefully place your other hand over the top of the knife, forming an arch with your thumb on one side ...
You’ll want to use a really good (and sharp!) paring knife for this method. Don’t start by cutting your pomegranate in half. Instead, cut off just the top of the pomegranate (a little bit below the stem end, revealing some of the seeds). At this point, you’ll see the seedy ...
Place the meat on your cutting board. Situate the meat so that the grain runs parallel to the longest side of the board. Cut against the grain. Hold your knife perpendicular to the knife, so that when you slice it's against the grain. ...