The punch is a shot that starts off low and stays low on the target line (Fig.1). There may be times when the wind is picking up or potentially you're hitting high lofted shots with too much shape, well the answer is to keep the ball low with a punch shot. So check out my ...
What you’re looking for is a soft arching flight that rotates feverishly in the air as it ascends towards the sky, and then dives to stick bellow the pin. Tap in birdie, right? The flop shot is one of the more artistic shots in golf. It’s a full-swing, high-risk, high-...
To hit a higher shot, the logo should feel like it points at the target Let the wrist go slightly to the right for a fade, rotate a little more for a drawVideo Transcription: Knuckles Down - Logo Down When it comes to controlling ball flight, almost everything that dictates where the ...
Learn the ONE Drill that's making golfers more consistent than ever before! Need a true fundamentals based approach to the golf swing? See a free video now!
The author offers tips on hitting a wedge shot while playing golf. He claims that hitting wedges is one of the toughest things for new golf players. To handle the shot, he suggests golf players to make sure that lofts on wedges are evenl...
Hi guys, I’ve got a great video for you today on controlling your path and controlling your face angle in the golf swing. If we can control those two things, we can hit a dead straight shot. I’m going to walk you through exactly how to do that. Now I will warn you, I’m go...
Golfing turns enjoyable if you know how to hit a golf driver. Most of the golfers want their golf balls to cross 150 or 200 yards with few shots.
Hitting out of the bunker is one of the most difficult things in golf. Learn from our world class instructors and from the pros themselves on how to hit a bunker shot.
BEGINNER GOLF TIP: HOW TO HIT A BUNKER SHOT >> A bunker, often referred to as a sand trap, is a hazard that you'll find on most golf courses. There is no penalty for hitting your ball into a bunker like there is with a water hazard. However, the bunker c
How much pressure should I use to hold a golf club? In terms of general grip pressure, a good strategy is to imagine you are holding a banana and you have to eat the remains after your golf shot. Too light and the banana will fly out of your hands, but squeezing too tight will tur...