How to Hit a Baseball demonstrates the key elements of the proper swing. This is proper instruction for a baseball player, based on how hitting is actually done, not on folk wisdom. Bob Caswell has worked as a hitting instructor for professional teams, college teams and leagues, and has c...
The name of this bat grip comes from the way your ‘door-knocking knuckles’ are aligned in a straight line vertically on the bat’s handle. This style is a new one and has been praised by many to be the most authentic way to grip a baseball bat. However, not everyone prefers this ...
The spike is one of the most powerful moves in all of volleyball. When timed correctly, it can overpower a team’s defensive line and put points on the board in a heartbeat. Learning how to spike correctly is essential to becoming an effective offensive volleyball player, but it takes time...
Because of the different set ups and stances, there are different ways for how to hit a baseball. But once a hitter gets to the contact point that is where all the differences stop and the absolutes and similarities start. If you compare Johnny Damon (wh
Prop bets: A prop bet is a wager on a game that isn't tied to its outcome. Prop bets might be made on the accomplishments of individual players in a game, for example, or which player might hit a home run in a Major League Baseball game.4 ...
Join our community here at Baseball World and get (or give) expert advice on passing the old ball around. Whether you're a beginner or a professional athlete, join in and show us your skills. Know how to hit a home run every time or throw a wicked curve
Bob: Well, I mean, I, yeah, I mean, I mean, group instruction is hard, but what skillful teachers who teach in groups understand is that there are some fundamental principles of doing whatever it is we're doing. You know, whether we're learning to hit a baseball or to play the v...
Baseball is back. And while enjoying the game from a fan perspective is easy like a Sunday morning double-header, betting on baseball and figuring out which of the thousands of statistics to research can seem overwhelming. So when it comes to putting yourself in the best position to hit your...
Responds to comments made on the authors' article "How to Hit Home Runs: Optimum Baseball Swing Parameters for Maximum Range Trajectories." Baseball mechanics; Aerodynamic forces on a moving and spinning ball; Ball-bat interactions; Functional dependencies of the drag and lift forces on the Reynold...