4. Using Third-Party Software to Hide the Taskbar 如果Windows自带的功能无法满足您的需求,您可以考虑使用第三方软件来隐藏任务栏。有许多软件可以帮助您实现这一点,例如: AutoHideDesktopIcons:这个软件可以自动隐藏桌面图标和任务栏。 7+ Taskbar Tweaker:这个工具提供了更多的任务栏自定义选项,包括隐藏功能。 在...
1. Basic Methods to Hide the Taskbar 在Windows中,隐藏任务栏有多种方法,最常用的方法是通过任务栏设置进行调整。以下是具体步骤: 右键点击任务栏:在任务栏的空白区域点击右键,弹出菜单中选择“任务栏设置”,ishanzan.com,。 找到“自动隐藏任务栏”选项:在任务栏设置窗口中,找到“自动隐藏任务栏”选项。 启用自...
We all know how to hideWindows 7 taskbarby enabling the Auto-hide the taskbar option present in Start menu properties. By hiding the taskbar you will be able to browse with more screen area. But it is a tedious task to open and change the settings again and again. Wouldn’t it be gre...
It is quite easy to disable or/and enable the Taskbar auto hide feature in Windows 7 or Windows-8! 1. Please Click the right mouse button on an empty area !
If you're using Windows 7 or 8, this process may look a little bit different. When you right-click the taskbar, you'll see a window that looks like this: Check "Auto-hide the taskbar" and you're done! Your taskbar will now hide until you move your mouse to the bottom of the scr...
Part 1. How to Make Taskbar Always on Top in Windows 10, 8, 7 The setting of making taskbar always on top inWindows 10is a little bit different from that in Windows 8 and 7. Choose the one that suits your system version. 1. Uncheck Automatically Hide the Taskbar in Desktop Mode (...
Windows 10 1. Right-click the taskbar and selectTaskbar settingsat the bottom of the list. Or selectStart,Settings,Personalization, andTaskbar. 2. Toggle onAutomatically hide the taskbar in desktop mode. The taskbar will hide automatically. ...
1. Display Tray Icons on the Taskbar in Windows 11. 1.1 Open Taskbar Settings. Right-click on the taskbar and select “Taskbar settings”; or click the Start menu, choose “Settings” then navigate to “Personalization”. From the left menu, click “Taskbar”. ...
Hello.I've ever wondered, is it possible to show taskbar badges to show something like counts of unread messages in Windows 7, just like Windows 10/11?Although Windows 7 is no longer supported since I ask this question, but I'm just curious.Kind regards,A Windows user :) i386dx7512,...
Taskbar in Windows 7 There is a feature where the user can configure the taskbar to hide automatically when the focus is on the other parts of the screen. However, quite recently, a lot of reports have been coming in where users have been complaining that thetaskbardoesn’thideautomatically....