Run your game, adjust the recording window, and then click Start Recording to record your gameplay with OBS. To screen record without cursor on OBS for a better gameplay recording, check Settings > General > Projector > Hide cursor over projectors. How to Clip Last 5 Minutes or 30 Seconds ...
All of that said, the first game that one will probably create is an obstacle course, or "Obby." (Check out ourRoblox dictionary!) An Obby is a game where the player must navigate many different obstacles and mazes to make it to the finish line in a timely manner. To get started, o...
Why is a Great Choice for Playing Roblox and How to Make it Safer for Kids Posted byRitik SEOonNovember 19, 2024 Roblox is one of the most popular gaming platforms, loved by kids and teens alike for its immersive worlds and endless creative possibilities. However, it can sometimes...
Using a VPN can help fix network problems. A VPN changes your IP address. This can be useful if Roblox’s servers temporarily don’t trust your network or if your IP has been marked due to suspicious activity. It can solve conflicts between your network and Roblox’s servers, allowing for...
✅ How to fix computer completly freezing when opening an app roblox in this case:This started about a month ago when my ThinkPad would freeze completely no access when I opened Roblox, it was about half of the time but now it's all...
Use Half-Head Items to Look Headless in Roblox Another method to obtain the headless head look is to use special head items that eliminate or hide a good portion of the head. Once you have that, you cover it up with your choice of hair. Beyond that, some players have used lamps or ...
*Note –There should be two apps with Roblox at the beginning –Roblox PlayerandRoblox Studio. Uninstall both the apps. Step 2: Delete Roblox Folder from File Explorer In this method, you have to first unhide the files, folders and drives, and then proceed to delete the Roblox folder from...
Top Roblox YouTubers of the Year Watch the Most Viewed YouTube Video Instagram influencer marketing Platforms Wrapping Up! Creators and users can learn a lot of feedback to improve by learning how to see dislikes on YouTube. If you are the video’s author, you can find this information by...
We recommend keeping thecamera panned all the way out, so you can scroll through your vault quicker. It also helps that Dwellers and the Mysterious Stranger will appear two dimensional. Once you start upgrading different rooms, he’ll be able to hide behind some of the decorations or machines...