Excel has messages to alert us when we make certain types of errors. Seeing an Excel error message can be a bit frustrating, but it is much better than the other type of error – the silent one that goes undetected and returns inaccurate results. Rather than getting irritated when we see...
xArrFinStr=Array("#DIV/0!”,“#N/A”,“#NAME?")'Enter the errors to hide, enclose each with double quotes and separate them with commasOnErrorResumeNextSetxRg=Application.InputBox("Please select the range that includes the errors to hide:","Kutools for Excel",,Type:=8)IfxRgIsNothingTh...
After installing Kutools for Excel, please do as this: 1. Select the data range that you want to hide the error values. 2. Click Kutools > Select > Select Cells with Error Value, see screenshot:3. And all the formula errors have been selected immediately, see screenshot:4...
Using formulas to hide errors Our first tip is a well-known formula auditing approach in Excel. Excel provides several error-auditing functions includingIFERRORwhich allows you to return any other value in its second argument if the formula in the first argument returns an error. You can simply...
The easiest way to hide error values on your spreadsheet is with the IFERROR function. Using the IFERROR function, you can replace the error that's shown with another value, or even an alternative formula. In this example, a VLOOKUP function has returned the #N/A error value. ...
This article explains the #N/A error code in Excel, why it occurs and how to hide it when it appears on your Excel worksheets.
Method 4 – Applying Excel VBA Code to Hide Comments Step 01: Launch the VBA Editor Go to theDevelopertab and theVisual Basic. Insert aModulein your Workbook, the Module is where you’ll enter theVBAcode. Step 02: Insert the Module and the VBA Code ...
Excel shortcut to hide row If you'd rather not take your hands off the keyboard, you can quickly hide the selected row(s) by pressing this shortcut:Ctrl + 9 How to unhide rows in Excel As with hiding rows, Microsoft Excel provides a few different ways to unhide them. Which one to ...
SubHideSheet()OnErrorGoToErrorHandlerActiveWindow.SelectedSheets.Visible =FalseExitSubErrorHandler: MsgBoxError, vbOKOnly,"Unable to Hide Worksheet"EndSub You insert the macro in your Excel in the usual way (the detailed instructions can be foundhere). After that, carry out the following steps to ...
Or you may run into the dreaded #VALUE or #REF error messages. Here are some more Excel tips and tricks to keep handy: How to use conditional formatting in Excel How to find and remove duplicates in Excel How to fix common errors in Excel How to use VLOOKUP in Excel Automate ...