How can I convert or import a solidworks assembly to a dxf or dwg file and it creates each part separately. I found this video on YouTube that describes how to do it but couldn't find the options in my own version of solidworks. Can someone please help me out. I sure 2014 version...
There are three main solidworks file creations are there, which are Part, Assembly and 2D drawing. New part file creation is one of the basic step before starting any product model design using Solid work. Each of the art file you have to create small parts of bigger product. Using the ...
In the assembly there are two parts which move relative to each other. After importing, the assembly is a whole part. I want to do a parametric sweep between the two parts in position. First, I can't move them separately. Second, I can't edit the position. How can...
Starting in SOLIDWORKS 2019 you don’t need to save your assemblies as parts in order to insert a bounding box for them. The assembly bounding box can be created directly in the assembly level using the same calculations that were used previously in the part level. Creating a bounding box d...
SolidWorks software enables users to transform 2-D to 3-D, use a variety of tools to swiftly and efficiently develop their design, simulate the assembly and operation of the prototype, compare and share their finished product, and much more. While using the SolidWorks software, it's possible ...
From your design software you’ll be able to output a file that shows the exact coordinates of every component placed on the board, which is commonly called a pick-and-place file.This file allows the assembly shop to fully automate the soldering of every component on your PCB....
If I create a solid part which is a flat plate with some holes in it and then create a drawing from it, all is well. Now someone comes along and asks for some hexagon nuts to be welded over the holes, no problem I make assembly from part and give it the same file name, I then...
How do I add a generic mass to a Solidworks part? oharag11 Mar 20, 2024 DASSAULT: SOLIDWORKS 3D Design Replies 5 Views 106 Mar 21, 2024 oharag11 Question Solidworks VBA to GET and SET dimensions on a sketch in an assembly model jassco Sep 25, 2024 DASSAULT: SOLIDWORKS 3D Desi...
當您去覆蓋模型中的質量屬性並且失去慣性矩、重心和生存意誌時,這是一個悲傷的日子。 不過也不必如此。 您可以做 Marc Monaghan 所做的事情……將您的肺從胸腔中呼出,將它們放回原處,再次尖叫,然後編寫一個宏來保留您的 CG 並讓您更改 SolidWorks 裝配體質量。 只是。 喜歡。 那。
First, we want to choose our top explodedsurfaceand make a rectangularplanewhich has the samedimensions, to act as a 'limiting boundary' for our complex lattice: (If you left click on a Grasshopper command it should give you a green preview of that selected command. Don't worry- the temp...