Every writer, at some point in their career, experiences a period of writer's block. It's that frustrating moment when you sit in front of your computer, staring at a blank page with no idea how to start writing anything. You might feel like you have lost all inspiration and creativity...
Konnikova, Maria
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Just as switching to a different scene can help with writer’s block, so can upgrading your tools! Whether you’re struggling with a boring word processor, character development, or even coming up with something to write in the first place, there are plenty of tools out there to help: ...
Sometimes writer's block can strike when it comes to one line of text you can't move past, or even just the one word you need to complete the perfect paragraph. There are online tools that can help. Rather than the obvious standard online dictionaries and thesauri, you may find alternati...
Writer’s block has probably existed since the invention of writing, but the term itself was first introduced into the academic literature in the nineteen-forties, by a psychiatrist named Edmund Bergler. 可能自从有写作以来,写作障碍就一直存在,但是“写作障碍”这个词首次出现在学术文献中是在19世纪40年...
Don't overwhelm yourself. Instead of aiming to complete a large project all at once, break it down into manageable chunks. Meeting these smaller goals can boost your confidence and motivation. Tools to beat writer’s block Tools to help you break through writer's block ...
The template will help improve your writing skills and even beat writer’s block. Advanced writers will save time with it and pump out successful blog posts every time. How to write a blog post infographic Click on the infographic to view large version Save Bonus: Click Here to Download ...
Well, I have a question for you, Alice. How does author of the Da Vinci Code, Dan Brown, deal with writer's block? Does he… a) hang upside down from the ceiling in gravity boots? b) clean his 6-bedroom house from top to bottom...
“Dear future employer, I suddenly remember that I am a hard-working, fervent individual and went the extra mile to optimise my skill set. Here is what drove me to this point and I shall tell you what will drive me further: passion.” ...