Causes of Relationship Anxiety 关系焦虑的原因 When worries start to creep in and become a familiar feature of a budding or current relationship, you might be dealing with relationship anxiety. Let's take a look at some common causes. 当焦虑开始悄悄蔓延,成为一段萌芽或当前关系的常见特征时,你可能...
Anyone who has anxiety can agree on one thing: It's a bitch. Having panic attacks or living in constant fear isn't exactly fun, but those of us with anxiety know that we're not the only ones who suffer because of it — our family, friends, and…
Read about ways to help someone with anxiety disorder while respecting their privacy. Prioritize their mental health with understanding and strategies.
interpersonalrelationshipisparticularlyimportant, whichisnotonlytheprotectionofnormallearningandlife ofcollegestudents,butalsothedeepneedsofCollege Students'self-development. Theestablishmentofagoodinterpersonalrelationshipinthe universitycampus,formingakindofunity,friendship,vigor andvitalityoftheenvironment,isconduciveto...
How can you support your team members dealing with workplace anxiety? What should you avoid to stop the situation from getting worse? And what does it take to develop youremotional intelligenceand understand your team's feelings to help them thrive?
If you’re in a relationship, knowing how to talk about your anxiety within it can be a real challenge. On the one hand, you don’t want to make a big deal out of it or bother your partner. On the other hand, it’s something you live with every day, which means that if someone...
While it’s important to wallow and grieve your relationship, it’s just as important to maintain a routine and stick to it to cope with the anxiety after a husband’s affair. A routine will help keep your life in order at a time where everything else seems chaotic. Take comfort in yo...
Behold the quiet rebellion of ‘cosy gaming’ "Everything I learnt by quitting drink for a year" Tulisa opens up about "anxiety attacks" struggle Lily says she's "stopped eating" on candid podcast Advertisement - Continue Reading Below
Many couples struggle with communication, and a lack of effective communication may be at the root of several of the most common relationship problems. As such, learning to spot communication problems and recognize each other’s style can be vital for building healthy bonds. ...
It isn't always easy to know how to help a friend with depression. Learn the symptoms of depression, how to check in and 8 ways to offer mental health support.