Dealing with the death of a parent is hard for teens. The surviving parent, family, and friends want to help, but they don’t know how to begin the conversation. What can you say and do to comfort a grieving teen? For more help with teen grief: ...
However, it is important to remember that people really dowantto be useful to you. This is one time in your life when asking for help is not only expected—it is welcomed. By being able to support you during this difficult time, your friends and relatives will be better able to come t...
Kindly fill out the below form with as much info as possible, so that we can investigate as soon as possible. Your Name:* Your Email:* SPAM Email Received:* Please Copy and Paste the Full SPAM Email that you received. Message Headers :* ...
There are stages of Grief. You will have to go through them to be healed and able to deal with your loss. You may not necessarily go through them in order. Some people go through some stages at the same time. But you will go through them never the less. 1: denial and isolation 2:...
He was going to have to feel sad. I knew that over the next few days and weeks and even months, we’d have many conversations to help him through this (the upside of being a therapist’s child is that nothing gets shoved under the rug; the downside is that you’ll be totally ...
As aclinical social worker and health scholarwith 40 years of experience in end-of-life care and bereavement, I knew that I needed some way to tend to my grief for my mother. While in lockdown, I began looking for resources to help me. Then I heard about the wind phone. ...
It’s natural to want to help someone who’s suffering, but grief is no time for a know-it-all. Loss is a highly individualized experience and affects each of us differently. How one responds depends on many factors, includingpersonality, coping andattachmentstyles, biology, life exper...
Finally, there’s the fact of our own emotional state. Often the grief our child is experiencing is the same grief we’re trying to cope with as well. We don’t want to ignore our own hurt, instead, we want to balance what we’re feeling with how we’re trying to help our kids....
Understanding the Impact of Grief Grief is never easy to deal with — whether you’re prepared for the losses or not. It’s always a difficult process, and it certainly takes time to heal. However, at the same time, it’s important to understand that grief is a part of life. ...
Grief can be especially hard during the holidays. Learn ways to cope with grief and honor your lost loved ones while celebrating Thanksgiving.