Human trafficking is an incredibly challenging problem to solve because it hides in the shadows. Not only are traffickers motivated to keep their activities under the radar of law enforcement, but often victims are, too. Is that young woman with the broken arm who was brought to your emergency...
The points above highlight some of the challenges faced by firms, but let’s not forget at the heart of human trafficking are the thousands of people that are suffering and struggling every day. Companies might face difficulties, and it is important for them to protect themselves, ...
A national survey by Thorn found of the minors who became victims of sex trafficking in 2015, 55 percent met their traffickers through a website or mobile app. Experts say traffickers will take months or even longer to groom their victims online. Janet Kasper, with the Governor’s Office...
Human Trafficking: A Strategic Framework Could Help Enhance the Interagency Collaboration Needed to Effectively Combat Trafficking Crimes: GAO-07-915 Human trafficking is a transnational crime whose victims include men, women, and children and may involve violations of labor, immigration, antislavery, an...
The TVPA does not sufficiently protect victims, especially victims caught up in large trafficking schemes. From identification of victims by law enforcement or ICE to the ability of the FBI to actually interview every victim to DHS' willingness to grant Continued Presence to Victims and DOJ to ...
At least 37 are dead andhundreds moremissing in the wake of a torrential downpour in eastern Kentucky, leading to mudslides, landslides and flash floods. President Joe Biden declared an official emergency, opening up federal funds to help house the over 350 people who’ve been displaced by the...
to help get human trafficking victims entry to assets through sponsored search results displayed to potential victims of the crime. It was Saturday, International Whores Day, which commemorates the occupation of a church in Lyon, France, by prostitutes protesting police harassment in 1975. Shortly af...
the island is grappling for resources including food, shelter, clean water, and medical attention for survivors. Furthermore, the state's infrastructure is overwhelmed by the sudden, meteoric rise in demand for services, and they need all the help they can get to take care of victims' immediat...
Emergency virtual support for trafficking victims and free information to help them re-integrate into society are also part of the online resource. The initiative is one of several across North America that educates truck drivers about the signs of human trafficking and how they can report the il...
According to the website DoSomething, the defition of human trafficking “ involves transporting someone into a situation of exploitation. This can include forced labor, marriage, prostitution, and organ removal”. Most victims of human trafficking are usually lured by false promise of either a ...