Ways to Help Teenagers Cope With Grief Everyone goes through adolescence, but with everyone being different, it is sometimes difficult to know how to help an adolescent cope. Just like adults, teens are different from one another and tend to cope in their own unique ways. Some may lash out...
CBT skills help teens learn how to slow down and think logically about the situation. Maybe their friend is simply away from their phone or busy with an activity. Even if there is a misunderstanding, it can be worked out. Over time, with CBT skills in their toolbox, teens learn not to...
Cheney: It can be very difficult to deal with the medication requirement, but I think it is necessary to be on medication if you're bipolar. It also for me felt less stigmatic to know that there was a medication that could help me. It felt like, “Okay, there was something definitively...
Miklowitz: Well, if it's a very young child, we don't come in with all guns blazing, so to speak. You don't necessarily give the strongest medications. If it's unquestionably bipolar disorder, you're really seeing a kid that needs to be in the hospital, or he or she is suicidal,...
One study found kids with better social skills are also twice as likely to go to college and less likely to experience substance abuse, obesity, and violence. 社交能力更好的孩子可能会享受更健康的关系。一项研究发现,社交技能更好的孩子上大学的可能性高出两...
in an entirely different world. Using voice-communication features in modernvideo gamesallows you to hear children barely in their teens exchangingswearwordsand offensive comments. It's created a panic among teenagers, parents, and school administrators who want to figure outhow to stop cyberbullying...
Substance abuse, whether drugs or alcohol, can also play a key role in angry outbursts from teens. These substances can alter behavior in extreme ways. There’s often no way to tell how someone will respond until you’re faced with it. ...
Learning how to evaluate news is an increasingly important skill in an era of rampant misinformation and disinformation. Cole ClaybournNov. 14, 2023 504 Plan Versus IEP: A Guide for Parents There are two major tools educators use to help children with learning differences, and parents sh...
That means parents need to have the “suicide talk” with their teens just like they have conversations about sex and drugs, Prinstein said. “There are simple, proven steps everyone can take to lower their risk and the risk of family and friends from dying by suicide,” Baker, also assist...
Suicide rates are highest in teens, young adults, and those over 55. People of non-Hispanic Native American/Alaska Native heritage are the ethnic/racial group with the highest rate of suicide, followed by people who are non-Hispanic White. Women are three times more likely to attempt suicide...