DIAGNOSIS of eating disordersSOCIAL supportMENTAL healthMEDICAL office nursingANOREXIA nervosaEATING disordersCOVID-19 pandemicPSYCHOLOGICAL factorsSarah Jane Palmer explores how to support patients with eating disordersPalmer, Sarah JanePractice Nursing
Supporting someone who has an eating disorder can feel overwhelming. However, it may help to remember that recovery can be a multifaceted process involving both clinical recovery (reduction of symptoms) and personal recovery (living a fuller life) [4]. Factors that can contribute to someone’s p...
Steps You Can Take to Help Someone With an Eating DisorderIf you suspect an eating disorder in someone you love, educate yourself about the disorder. Then, talk to your friend. Let them know you care about what they are going through, and have a treatment resource available, such as a ...
How to Help Make a life-changing impact in the lives of those suffering from eating disorders. DONATE TODAY Donate. Take Action. Make a Difference. The Renfrew Center Foundation is a nonprofit, tax-exempt organization that relies upon donations from individuals, corporations and foundations to ...
the family and friends of someone going through an eating disorder, get help and support for yourselves. Please consider attending family therapy and/or a family and friends support group. It is crucial that you maintain your physical and emotional health so you can help your loved one when th...
You are not alone if you or someone you know is battling an eating disorder. To find out more about how mindful eating can help overcomeeating disorders
1. Mindful eating may help with digestive issues Taking the time to chew your food thoroughly and eat slowly can help improve digestion and gut health. Hartley says that mindfulness techniques, including mindful eating, can actually be helpful in reducing the symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (...
When someone with an eating disorder also has ADHD, seeing treatment through an ADHD lens is essential. Knowing how the eating disorder is affected by ADHD symptoms, and how it, in turn, affects ADHD symptoms, must be central to treatment. Not managing the ADHD usually leads to treatment ...
While eating disorders can't always be prevented,risks can be decreased. Eating together as a family, avoiding weight talk and not labeling food as good or bad can all help. Encouraging activity because it's fun, not to change the way someone's body looks, is also key. Remember that all...
"In suggesting a mixed 'intuitive tracking' approach, the hope is that those who treat and support people inrecoveryfrom eating disorders can consider this as a new tactic, to help those for whom a solely intuitive-based approach is less effective," says Dr. Hester Hockin-Boyers. ...